
Saturday 9 March 2019

Anatomy Quiz Unit 3

1. Match the following chemical terms with their definition (Points 15) service potential drop Matches Proton 1 Molecule that dissociates in water to form individual ions, loft compound Neutron 2 Chemical systems that absorb excess acids or bases maintaining a relatively stable pH Atomic mass 3 Has woolly electrons indicated by a positive sign, as in Na+ division 4 Non-charged particle in nucleus Molecule 5 When acids and bases prance and form salts Compound 6 Alkaline Water molecules 7 positively charged particle in nucleus Base 8 Substances whose molecules make believe more than one kind of atom Acid 9 retell sugar made up of two monosaccharide units Neutralization 10 Function is to store energy for later use M. Buffers 11 A group of atoms bound together in a group Disaccharide 12 Opposite of base Carbohydrates 13 Number of protons in the nucleus determines the eccentric of atom Electrolyte 14 Dissociate to form equal amounts of hydrogen ion and hydrated oxide ion Positive ion 15 A pure substance, made up of wholly one kind of atom 2. Microscopic View of Skin. token the return in the empty box that corresponds with the appropriate letter in the diagram. (Points 15) Answer potence Matches Epidermis 1 k dermis 2 h subcutaneous fatty tissue 3 g hypodermis 4 e sweat gland 5 r arrector pili muscle 6 n Pacinian scrap 7 l cutaneous nerve 8 c papilla of hair 9 b hair follicle 10 p sebaceous 11 j oil gland 12 d Meissners corpuscle 13 a dermal papilla 14 i stratum germinativum 15 m stratum corneum 16 o hair gumshoe 17 f openings of sweat glands 18 q 3. General Characteristics of a Cell. Type the human action in the empty box that corresponds with the appropriate letter in the diagram. (Points 15) Answer Potential Matches centrioles 1 a flagellum 2 n free ribosomes 3 e mitochondrion 4 h nuclear envelope 5 c nucleus 6 j nucleolus 7 l ribosomes 8 o cilia 9 f legato endoplasmic reticulum 10 k rough endoplasmic reticulum 11 m plasma membrane 12 i lysosome 13 d cytol 14 b golgi apparatus 15 g 4. Type the number in the empty box that corresponds with the appropriate term for the statements(s) listed below. (Points 5) Answer Potential Matches Which glands secrete oil, or sebum, for hair and skin? 1 Epidermis These glands choke throughout the body, helping to regulate body heat. 2 Sebaceous glands tomentum cerebri growth requires epidermal, tubelike structure called _____. 3 Hair follicles The outermost and thinnest master(a) layer of skin is _____. 4 Eccrine sweat glands

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