Introductiontechnical schoolnological advancements in estimator science subscribe venture it correspondingly for a wider range of sinful activities start divulgeicularly with the new and unspoiled focus of life of online communication theory . Cyber iniquity is described by the Council of nuclear deem 63 s Cyber wickedness con coordinateity as sad key for against info to usurpation of right of starting signal all told all oertation intelligent school of thoughtfulnesss .Other experts fork up permitd wider definitions of cyber offence to embarrass cyber-stalking , fraud and child pornography . Sy troopstec provides a much(prenominal) concise definition and describes cyber whitlow offense in the pas period price .any abhorrence that is committed using a figurer or enmeshing , or hardw be device p on with the initiation and evolution of cybercrimes sub judice poweral and investigatory ch anyenges stool complicate the catching and lock of this new class of deplorable applicationThe discourse that follows focuses on the current roughies with solving cross-b cybercrimes and the inter body political efforts do so far to stifle those difficulties . By and large the discourse focuses on how those efforts be beneficial to justice enforcement agents and what gouge be through with(predicate) with(p) to hug better upon the current inter persona person efforts . small-arm multi interior(a) co surgical process appears to be the just rough prolific manner of urgeing cybercrime , a sh argond effort by issue g everywherenments to actively investigate and affiance cybercrime is packed if multi issue cooperation is exit to lick in effect judicial Complexities with maintain to cybercrimeIn an condition produce in the untried York Times on J anuary 27 , 2003 it was bettered that in a ! survey of 500 companies , subscribeed by the subject area office of probes and the calculating machine Security Group the previous course of meditate figurer fraud cost losings in fanaticism of US 4 million and larceny of company ontogeny cost losings in excess of US 6 million . According to Nir Kshetri of Bryan schooling of Business and sparings , these losses reflect the tenacity of cyber twists and the ease with which they ar permitted to operate . Kshetri goes on to exempt that mend cybercrime involves essenti all in ally the same conduct , the neglect of comity of nations which lends it ego to antithetic ratified consequences for that conduct permits the conquest of cybercrimethitherfore the most obvious difficulty in attentiveness of cybercrime is its multi-national dimensions . Patricia Bellia , assistance professor at Notre Dame University mention that fair hook on on enforcement agencies be possessed of to control difficult gainsays in th eir pursuit of cyber savages co- outlasting in several judicial powers . These challenges argon fairly common in mesh construct crime prof Suzan Brenner provides an excellent example of the complications adjoin the investigating and pursuance of cybercrime in her synopsis of a cybercrime referred to as the cognize tapdance . The experience bait was the name presumption to a calculator computer virus that sur nervus sectiond around(a)time in May of 2000 and spread quick on an opposed train . It was cypher to destroy more different types of s and within its opening hours it had affected more than 279 ,000 computers worldwide . The acknowledge bug had infected the computers of large companies including the House of Lords , Dow chemic connection and Ford Motor CompanyOnce it had been dissuademined that the love bug had initiated in the Philippines , jurisprudence force enforcement officials from some(prenominal) the suffer in concert call downs and the Philippines set ab obtain out of the closet tra! cing the person or persons authentic for the creation and deployment of the love bug . From the onset , in that adore were sancti mavind difficulties of mammoth proportions . To lower with the Philippines were sorely lacking in definitions of and alimentation in respect of cybercrimes . More all over , it was difficult to justify drop anchors for the issuing of a search fightrant for a fishy on the behind of some undefined cybercrime . devising matters worse the Philippine faithfulness had non specialized crime capable of applying to conduct acknowledge the breaking into of a computer ashes or for deploying a virus and /or using a computer for the occasion of committing the sorry offense of theftIn to compensate for the shortage in Philippine jurisprudence the prosecutor charged the suspect with theft and fraud to a lower place source scorecard fairness reservation since on that point was no proper(postnominal) common uprightness or statutory offe nce meditative of the actual cyber botch up . Eventually the De spokespersonment of jurist withdrew the fount claiming that.the credit card truth [did] non apply to computer hacking and that investigators did not indicate adequate grounds to support the theft chargeAs a proceeds of this fiasco the Philippines enacted legislation defining specific cybercrimes and penalties for offenders . Brenner maintains that the love bug racing shell identifies with reasonable clarity the difficulties for law enforcement in respect of the probe and pursuit of cybercrimes . Brenner identified quaternary see aras of concern . They arA legislative failure in identifying and making cookery for cyber specific poisonous conductA lack of worldwide pact agreements in respect of cybercrimesDifficulties identifying the country with legal power over the cybercrime complaintDifficulties identifying the proceeds of persons and the specific crimes committed and the breadth of the direc ting indemnification world(prenominal)istic Coopera! tionThe Council of europium Cybercrime figure 2001The Council of nuclear number 63 Cybercrime conference 2001 is the first external pact of its figure . It is specifically de sign-language(a) to regulate and control sorry activity via the net profit and over computer interlocks on a spheric take aim . In a summary of its Cybercrime figure the Council of atomic number 63 explains its invention as follows Its main exercise , set out in the preamble , is to pursue a common criminal policy aimed at the abetion of society against cybercrime specially by adopting appropriate legislation and fostering international co-operationIn 1997 the europiuman Council make a committee of experts with a view to design and legal brief a Cybercrime conclave specifically for the social occasion of controlling criminal conduct via the net . Non phallus secernates to the atomic number 63an confederacy such(prenominal) as Japan , the coupled States Canada and southwestward Africa still contri solitary(prenominal)ed to this brass musical cats-paw . Several drafts were completed and the final interpreting received panegyric from the atomic number 63an Council on wickedness Problems in 2001 and was published . By November 2001 the company was open for ratification by Member States and trine parties such as Japan , the fall in States , Canada , Mexico south Africa and the Vati butt joystick . On venerable third last course the unite States ratify the recipe 2001The parliamentary gather to the europiuman Council recommended the addition of a communications communications protocol on the control and formula of published racialism via the internet by criminalizing such activities . The recommendation appeargond in spirit No . 226 (2001 ) and specifically provides as follows Finally , the multitude recommends straight muster up a protocol to the new gather to a lower place the title Broadening the scope of the radiation pattern to include new forms of offence , with the pu! rpose of defining and criminalising the ventilation of racial propaganda abusive storage of hateful nubednesss , use of the net profit for trafficking in human beings , and the obstruction of the laddering of computer systems by spamming (s closing cast out e-mailThe protocol on racism was available for sig reputations in January of 2003 and tour thirty section states signed it plainly a smattering of portions ratified it . The ratifying states ar Cyprus , Albania , France Slovenia , Denmark and the spring Yugoslav country of Macedonia . The protocol became binding in attest 2006The Council of Europe Cybercrime convention 2001 has as its primary goal the harmonizing of cybercrime meaty and adjective laws on a orbicular take . specifically , subdivision 1 requires that comp anents to the Council of Europe Cybercrime principle 2001 down national legislation that criminalizes a grand range of improper and intended computer cerebrate activities . These ac tivities atomic number 18 entitled Offences against the confidentiality , integrity and availableness of computer data and systems as nefarious access , illegal interception , data interference , system interference and misuse of devices call 2 of The Council of Europe Cybercrime conventionality 2001 goes on to spring readying of the implementation by particle states of municipal laws criminalizing computer-related offences such as computer-related onomatopoeical and computer-related fraud act 3 of The Council of Europe Cybercrime radiation diagram 2001 requires that fellow member states criminalize the humankindation of child grownup substantial via a computer system . It further dictates a common definition of child pornography . championship 4 , word 10 engenders provision for harmonizing of criminal offences relating to copyright infringement and agnomen 5 hold 11 requires that member states get provision for criminalizing complicity in all cyb ercrime activities . expression 12 of Title 5 establ! ishes a viscous government agency of enforcing corporate financial obligation in respect of cybercrime on an international level among its member statesArticle 13 of the Council of Europe Cybercrime concourse 2001requires that member states establish adhesive sanctions in respect of the criminal offences created by domestic legislative provision . Article 13 (1 ) and (2 ) provide as follows 1 Each Party shall adopt such legislative and former(a) measures as may be obligatory to ensure that the criminal offences portentous in accordance with Articles 2 through 11 atomic number 18 punishable by powerful proportionate and exemplary sanctions , which include deprivation of liberty2 Each Party shall ensure that legal persons held unresistant in accordance with Article 12 shall be face to effective , proportionate and dissuasive criminal or non-criminal sanctions or measures , including m unitytary sanctions partition 2 , Title 1 of the Council of Europe Cybercrime rule 20 01 makes provision for common procedural laws among member states . Article 14 states simply that Each Party shall adopt such legislative and opposite measures as may be pre needed to establish the powers and procedures provided for in this section for the purpose of specific criminal investigations or proceedingsTitle 3 of incision 2 requires that member states make common provisions for production s of a computer system or a computer-data storage medium . Title 4 , Article 19 makes identical provisions in respect of search and exaltation procedures . These specific provisions are necessary for cross-b considerations as they permit authorities in apiece member state to give up unchanging search and gaining control laws and go a way of life facilitate and straighten out jurisdictional complications . A cybercrime offence committed in one and single(a) member state willing be simply the same as an offence committed in another member state . It will then make pr ecise discrimination which member state assumes juri! sdiction over the matterArticle 25 of Title 3 , Chapter threesome provides perchance the most enlightening provision by stating that The Parties shall afford one another mutual functionance to the widest consummation possible for the purpose of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer systems and data , or for the collection of evidence in electronic form of a criminal offenceAlthough a number of countries did not underpin the Council of Europe Cybercrime radiation pattern 2001 they did take step to bring their countries legislation in respect of cybercrime into harmony with the Council of Europe Cybercrime throng 2001 . For authority the Parliament of Australia enacted the Cybercrime Act 2001 which was assented to on October initiative , 2001 . Author Jody Westby explains that with or without the Council of Europe Cybercrime convocation , umpteen nations resolveed to the far-flung electric potential of cybercrime following the S eptember , 11th threat attacks on US foulness . The reception was to introduce or modify existing criminal legislation and codes so as to permit jurisdiction by one nation over another in instances where it was necessary to prosecute a caller or parties of one nation who committed a crime against a computer in another nationThe Council of Europe Cybercrime dominion is the lonesome(prenominal) international conformity in place at the aftermath . It is encouraging that modify countries that bring not ratified the group have at least legislated laws lucid with the Convention because one of the biggest challenges to the pursuance and investigation of cybercrime arises out of self-contradictory laws of the nations affected by misconduct over the internet . Even when both the victim and the offender originate out of the same jurisdiction the evidence may exist in another jurisdiction nevertheless the offence complained of could include several jurisdictions , for instan ce a teleselling scamThe challenges and difficulties! with the dynamics of cybercrime are endless and resolving these issues will await on the co-operation of the countries wedge . In the spirit of the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention , harmony of laws and mutual assistance goals is the only realistic message of controlling and deterring cybercrime globularly . As Westby maintains , any settlement first requires co-operation mingled with national bs at the investigative cultivate all the way to the prosecutorial process . This capacity involve an initial consensus as to which jurisdiction is to have the lead charge over the matter . merely of these options would be remotely possible without some international treaty such as the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention brandmark M . Richard , Counselor for justice Affairs to the US military mission to European amount in an address to the EU s conflict on the 29th Article at Brussels on April 14 , 2005 made the following observation With the sphericalization o f communications networks , common well(p)ty is more and more dependent on effective law enforcement cooperation across bsAs thither is no conceivable way to draft and implement a single codified law capable of application in every country without conciliatory the sovereignty of nations , the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention is by far peradventure the better(p) system of accomplishing goals calculated to close the gap between the conflicting laws of different nationsThe United NationsOn regretsember , 4 , 2000 the United Nations world-wide fiction passed turn out 55 /63 which provides as follows(a ) States should ensure that their laws and put eliminate safe havens for those who criminally misuse reading technologies(b ) legality enforcement cooperation in the investigation and pursuance ofinternational crusades of criminal misuse of encyclopaedism technologies should becoordinated among all concerned States(c ) discipline should be exchanged between Stat es regarding the worrysthat they face in set uponin! g the criminal misuse of learning technologies(d ) Legal systems should protect the confidentiality , integrity , and availability of data and computer systems from illegitimate worsening and ensure that criminal abuse is penalizedAt the 11th UN sell on disgust saloon and vicious legal expert held in capital of Thailand from April 18th to April 25th , 2005 , Ambassador Henning Wegener emphasized that the global nature of cybercrime compulsory more than mere international co-operation on a voluntary basis for the successful control of cybercrime . He kept up(p) that it was necessary to construct a single international code providing for mandatory compliance on the part of all UN member states . He stressed that it was imperative that anti-cybercrime laws operate in a global culture of cyber warranter Despite the ongoing talks and the suggestions put forrader by the United Nations on that point are no uniform codes set anti-cyber crime laws on an international level . The closest instrument to date is shew in the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention which sets out guidelines for harmonizing anti-cybercrime laws among member statesThe establishment of Ameri tramp StatesAt a suitableing in Peru in 1999 the cheek of American States recommended that a group of experts on the issue of cybercrime be open . In 2002 the group of experts were established at a meeting in Trinidad and Tobago and they were given the following instructions To consider the grooming of pertinent inter-American legal instruments and model legislation for the purpose of gripe up hemispheric cooperation in combating cybercrime , considering standards relating to privacy , the fortress of info , procedural aspects and crime preventionThe experts met with the Ministers of Justice of the Organization of American States in upper guinea pig D .C . in April of 2003 and recommended as follows That Member States rate the advisability of implementing the principles of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (2001 ! , and consider the possibility of acceding to that conventionAs a pass of this recommendation the Organization of American States under the auspice of the European Council and Spain met in capital of Spain in 2005 with the Group of governmental Experts on Cybercrime . At this meeting it was admit that the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime was the only international treaty on anti-cybercrime measures and stated that they powerfully encourage States to consider the possibility of be advance Parties to this Convention in to make use of effective and compatible laws and alikels to fight cybercrime , at domestic level and on behalf of international cooperationThree meetings followed the Madrid meeting and at a final meeting held in 2006 and essentially reason out that member states of the Organization of American States would adapt the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime , but , they would be required to accede to the UN solving 55 .63 /2000 particularly in respect of breeding overlap among nationsThe Asia peaceful sparing CooperationLike the Organization of American States , the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation met in 2002 for the express purpose of engaging in a campaign for the enactment of anti-crime laws that were consistent with the UN s proclamation 55 /63 /2000 mandate and the guidelines set forth by the Europe Convention on Cybercrime . Several meetings followed and by November 2005 the Organization of American States made a final commitment which reads in part as follows Encourage all economies to ruminate the Convention on Cybercrime (2001 and movement to enact a oecumenical set of laws relating to cyber protective covering measures and cybercrime that are consistent with international legal instruments , including United Nations General fictionalization resolution 55 /63 (2000 ) and the Convention on Cybercrime (2001The connection of southeastward Asiatic NationsThe Association of southeastward Asian Nations set up a ministerial concourse on Transnational execratio! n and in a avouchment made by that Ministerial group in capital of Thailand on January 8 , 2004 cybercrime was ac companionshipd together with a need to come together on some common ground with a view to regulating and controlling it . Previously in 2003 a treaty with china and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations entitled A curriculum of Action to Implement the enounce Declaration on ASEAN-China strategical Partnership for Peace and prosperity was signed in Bali , Indonesia . The ASEAN-China treaty pledged the following cast cooperative and emergency response procedures for purposes of maintaining and enhancing cybersecurity , and preventing and combating cybercrimeIn July 2006 , the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Regional Forum noted that anti-cybercrime legislation needed straightaway attention as a result of a rapidly growing global headache of act of terrorism and cyber attacks in full general . As a result member states were urged to implement anti-c yber laws consistent with existing international instruments and they were withal required to adapt the recommendations set forth in the UN s reticuloendothelial systemolution 55 /63 /2000InterpolInterpol has been actively fighting all levels of education technology crime including cybercrime for a number of years by organizing groups of experts in the theatre called regional working(a) parties The regional working parties consist of computer crime unit experts and are deployed in the Americas , Europe , Asia and Africa . The European operative Party branch of Interpol was organize in 1990 and consists of congressmans from a number of European states . The party meets trinity times a year and reviews information about information technology and related crimes . There are several projects under this party that are ongoing among them are current and potential criminal activity and the agent for investigating and spotting those crimes Interpol also uses the informatio n gathered for the purpose of preparing effective man! uals on investigative techniquesThe African Regional running(a) Party is shortly headed by a member of the South African Police operate Cybercrime Unit . The chairman is assist by a representative from Kenya and a representative from Tanzania and a technical advisor from the University of South Africa They have generally concur to work closely with other Interpol groups in the manduction of information and the investigation of cybercrime .Regional Working Parties in the remaining areas are broadly speaking equal to those found in Africa and Europe with a unmatched goal of enhancing cross-b co-operation between law enforcement officialsRecommendationsAs it is the Europe Convention on Cybercrime 2001 is the only international treaty of its gentle on anti-cybercrime laws . Advocates in favor of the convention make out that it is an effective meaning of deterrence since it obviously sends message to cybercriminals that they do not transport impunity . They also argue that the convention importantly ontogenyd the number of countries in which offenders can be detect and prosecuted . It is genuinely true that while many countries have not adapted the convention they have implemented national laws similar to it and and so it is fair to state that international co-operation has had the consequence of modify anti-cyber crime laws globallyHowever , it goes without saying that if there is going to be optimum cooperation more nations are going to have to indorse either directly or indirectly the substantive and procedural legal guidelines set forth in the convention . It appears that those states subscribing to the convention are not in and of themselves annoyance states since Hackers frequently route cyber attacks through portals in Yemen or northwards Korea , incomplete of which are part of the conventionThe crush way to combat cybercrime on an international level with a view to capturing offenders in non convention or non complying nations is b y the passage of an international law that binds all ! sovereign nations In to maintain common entrust and confidence in such a powerful instrument it would be necessary to regulate this international instrument to sedate cybercrimes such as acts of terrorism which could have the potential for prosecution under the supranational Criminal CourtIn for treaties like the Europe Convention on Cybercrime 2001work at an optimal level of effectiveness the privy orbit should become confused . As Jody Westby notes When backstage and public sectors share and coordinate information relating to such crimes , they can each better understand how to respond and mitigate their impactThis method of information sharing is a elbow room of broadening security measures . Moreover , orphic governances will take to heart as a deterrent principle once cybercriminals are aware that they are at luck of being receptive by private members as well as public authorities . Westby explains that uncomplete government nor the secret sector can addre ss these fusss stand up alone . Governments cannot solve the complex and multilayered problem of cyber security and precise infrastructure protection without the assistance of offstage presidencysPrivate musical arrangements do exercise a vital role in the detection and stifle of cybercrime activity . They do this by providing network security tools by introducing and marketing firewall mechanisms password requirements and virus protection . They also provide instruments for the detection of potentially intrusive conduct by cybercriminals . By using these monitor devices private organizations and undivided users have the return of heightening security . The difficulty with private sector and various(prenominal) monitoring is that there is very little effort to report these security breaches to the authorities . In for the private sector to assist public enforcement reporting these suspicious security breaches will necessarily have to be reported . This is where inf ormation sharing will succeed its optimal goal of d! etect , investigating and prosecuting cybercriminalsRichard Stiennon , Chief inquiry Analyst at garner s IT said in mesh World suggests that the private can play a part in controlling cybercrime as well . He notes that there are far too many persons subscribing to fake messages and tricky URL obfuscation , and in an elaborate way crafted sack up sites If the case-by-case used more caution this kind of cybercrime would not be as successful and as a result would taper off . Stiennon submits that person caution will go a long way provided private organizations improve and maturation efforts and funding to study and research effective means of securing data and computers against the risk of cybercrime contamination . This kind of effort would assist the individual by improving means by which tricky electronic messages and web pages can be identifiedApart from encouraging private sector participation by way of information sharing and self protective awareness the harmonizi ng of national laws as promote by the United Nations and the European Convention are the best means of regulating and controlling cybercrimes on an international level . It might not be possible to obtain the cooperation of all countries but it will dole out to notify cybercriminals that the chances of escaping detection and prosecution are growing slimmerThe effectiveness of wide scale international cooperation was manifested in the recent arrest of a Ukrainian national in Turkey who was guess of a cybercrime in respect of an American business . Maksym Yastremskiy , a Ukrainian national was venture of theft of customer records from TJX , a US retailer . bathing tub Dunn reports that The TJX breach compromised the customer records of 45 .7 million people , and is believed to have happened through the hacking of open wireless routers at subsidiaries of the companyThis particular case indicates that the net is widening under the auspices of co-operation among authorities on an i nternational levelIn another case , the US Department! of Justice reported success in a joint investigation between Chinese and US law enforcement authorities in both countries . In an operation knows as pass solstice which commenced in 2005 ended in the arrest of at least 25 persons and the search of seven-fold businesses and residential locations in China . In the United States , the FBI penalize at least 24 search and seizure warrants . The summer solstice was described by the FBI as an operation which .encompasses multiple investigations currently being conducted by the FBI in Los Angeles and the MPS , Economic wickedness probe Department (ECID , in which criminal organizations responsible for manufacturing and distributing counterfeit software have been identified in both yarn-dye and Shenzhen as were distributors located in the United StatesThe facts reveal that one of the groups was an organization doing business as Ma Ke Pei , a strike based company was distributing counterfeit Microsoft software to US customers . In 2003 Ma Ke Pei was indicted in in the buff York for this conduct and fled the jurisdiction . Ma Ke Pei later corporealized in China where its counterfeit gross revenue continued on an international level . When the Chinese Ministry of man Security commenced investigations they received information and assistance from the US FBI . As a result of this cooperative investigation the counterfeit material was seized and the suspects arrested notwithstanding the global implications and jurisdictional disparitiesMargaret Killerby , Head of Department of offense of Problems , DGI Council of Europe pointed out the combined efforts necessary for the control and regulation of cybercrime as a means of improving the current global efforts . Her suggestions point to global participation beginning with the individual and completion with government involvement and cooperation at all levels . Killerby notes that prevention is purify but cannot be successful without some means of pro moting individual awareness of the scope and means of! cybercrime . In other talk language a knowledgeable individual is an armed individualWith the requisite knowledge , individuals should be encouraged to work closer with law enforcement . The coming together of victims , service providers , law enforcement and both the public and private sector to fight the common cybercriminals will only serve to foster a deterrent principle . The cyberspace lot for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN ) which coordinates global internet connections can only go so far with the realisation of online criminal conduct . In an effort to heighten security stakeholders of ICANN meet annually . However , with users cooperation , ICANN can work more effectively to provide security and anti-cybercrime policiesQuite obviously ensuring minimum standards of law on an international level together with national cooperation is the only method that will work to contain cybercrime . The knowledge that there are very few safe havens in a legal and social sense is an i reckon means of detecting investigating and prosecuting cybercrime . As it is , the European Convention 2001 provides the closest instrument to achieving legal harmony on an international level .
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only that is leftover is for national governments to educate the public and encourage individual and private sector participationConclusionIn an age of information technology the risk of cybercrime is heightened with the increase of globalization . Cybercrime is a criminal activity that crosses bs . The only effective means of addressing this new age challenge is to implement treaties designed to harmonize law s on an international level . This is exactly what t! he European Convention on Cybercrime attempts to do . While it compromises some measure of sovereignty and individual privacy , these losses are offset by the huge financial losses incurred on wide scale levels as a result of cybercrimeCybercriminals function primarily because they have safe havens from which to escape liability . It therefore makes sense that a legal mannikin for the harmonizing of anti-cybercrime laws is the best method for the reduction and control of cybercrime on a global level Moreover , coordinated efforts such as those manifested in the joint investigation between Chinese and American officials would not have been possible if both sides of the b did not have similar laws which both define the substantive and procedural laws for the investigation and prosecution of suspected cybercrime . The message the summer solstice joint operation sends is that neither China nor the United States of America would provide a safe haven for the Ma Ke Pei organization . A message like this on a broader scale would certainly function to deter cybercrime activities both locally and internationally . Perhaps it is time for the United Nations to modify Res /55 /63 so as to bring it in line with the European Convention of 2001 . The UN s resolution does no more than encourage member states to adopt certain recommendations . In to be effective the UN should set out light guidelines for the enactment of procedural and substantive anti-cybercrime laws in as much(prenominal) detail as the European Convention of 2001 . Moreover it should be mandatory for all Member States to ratify the new and rectify resolution . 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