Writing tips and writing guidelines for students,case study samples, admission essay examples, book reviews, paper writing tips, college essays, research proposal samples
Thursday, 31 October 2019
What is global warming Global warming is a matter of great concern Essay
What is global warming Global warming is a matter of great concern. How it is affecting our planet and how society can do to help (this isn't a good topics b - Essay Example It will then discuss the feasibility of various alternative fuels which if implemented on a wide scale would greatly reduce air pollution and possibly avoid the predicted outcome, alternative energy from bio-fuels, hydrogen, geothermal, solar and nuclear sources. Essentially, the greenhouse effect functions in the following manner. When sunlight pierces the atmosphere and hits the earth’s surface, not all of the sun’s solar energy is absorbed. Approximately a third of it is reflected back into space. Specific atmospheric gases serve in much the same way as does the glass of a greenhouse, thus the terminology. These gases allow sunlight to penetrate then trap some of the solar energy which heats the earth (Breuer, 1980). It is a delicate balance and because these greenhouse gases have been artificially augmented by man-made sources, more build up in the atmosphere has occurred thus trapping more of the sun’s energy and reflecting less back in to space. This occurrence is causing the earth to warm. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the most prevalent of the greenhouse gases. Trees absorb CO2 and when they die, CO2 is restored to the atmosphere. The clearing of forests by mass burning, which is happening at a phenomenal rate in the tropical rain forests, is decreasing the amount of CO2 that is absorbed and increasing the amount that is added to the atmosphere. CO2 supplies about half of the total gases that create the greenhouse effect (Breuer, 1980). Although deforestation is contributing heavily to the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere, a larger portion is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal. Fossil fuels are burned by factories, vehicles and electricity-producing power plants to name a few sources. Other greenhouse gases include methane, which is released when vegetation is burned during land
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20
English - Essay Example It was made out of two sports, soccer (association football) and rugby football, each of which remains a separate sport with its own specific set of rules. The international body governing it is FIFA Federation International de Football Association and it organized the world cup which is very popular in the world. FIFA governs all levels of soccer, including professional games internationally, Olympic competitions and youth leagues. FIFA world cup is the sport’s premier event, it held after every four years pitting national teams from 32 countries against one another. The most popular and major professional league in the world is the National Football League (NFL). However, over the years, several other leagues have been formed in North America and Europe. While soccer league known as MLS (Major League Soccer) have many teams which have fans worldwide and some of the most famous teams are A.C. Milan of Italy, Ajax Amsterdam of The Netherlands, Manchester United of England, Real Madrid of Spain, Boca Juniors of Argentina, Sà £o Paulo of Brazil, and Colo Colo of Chile etc. The common thing between the two games are that it is a game played between two teams, in which players try to score a goal by hitting in opponents goal, by using any part of the body except the hands. So, players have to use their skills of using feet and heads as they kick, dribble, or pass the ball toward the goal or to another player. While the table shows compare and contrast both the
Sunday, 27 October 2019
Influence of Advertising on Children
Influence of Advertising on Children CHAPTER 1 Introduction This chapter provides general information on the influence of advertising to children by looking at different researches and surveys on media influence and implications on the behaviour of children. This research attempts to study the implications of advertising on the behaviour of children in the UK. The research aims and objectives are also provided in this chapter. 1.1 Influence of Advertising on Child Behaviour Technology has created more choices for people to gain an access to information. The development of modern technology enables all ages to access various types of information with unlimited access. Also, major advances in the media technology have created different and unique ways of providing products and services to several audiences. For instance, animation are used in various numbers of advertising to children, and the messages from these television advertisements affect children in gender role stereotype learning (Hogg Garrow 2003). These days, people cannot watch television, go shopping, or browse the internet without being flooded with advertisements (Dotson Hyatt 2005). Not only adults are exposed to these advertisements, but young children are also targeted by many advertisements with an attempt to sell these products and services to them, such as movies and food (Flew 2002). A research indicated that children under eight years old are more likely to accept advertising messages as been truthful and unbiased (Cohen et al. 2002). Therefore, it is difficult for children to see and examine the hidden agenda in thousands of advertisements they watch every year (Cohen et al. 2002). A study showed that many advertisements for toys, snack food, video games, and cereal are often targeted towards children. However, it is also crucial for parents to watch out for other advertisements. An example is beer and cigarette advertisements that are usually directed towards adults also have messages that can influence children (Shin Cameron 2003). According to Dotson Hyatt (2005), beer advertisements are shown very often during sport events. Beer advertisements are also seen by millions of young children. Research finding showed that these advertisements attempt to create both brand familiarity and positive attitudes towards drinking in children aged between 9 and 10 years old (Shin Cameron 2003). In addition, a research finding revealed that young children can be persuaded very easily by the messages of advertisements (Dotson Hyatt 2005). Young children believe that the messages in the adverts are truthful and unbiased, and this can cause unhealthy behaviours in children, including: Poor eating habits: This is a factor in todays youth obesity epidemic (Dotson Hyatt 2005). The most common advertisements directed towards young children include sweets, fizzy drinks, and other snack foods (Dotson Hyatt 2005). An increase in the likelihood of aggressive behaviour and less sensitivity to violence: Aggressive behaviour in young children is more likely to appear if a child is exposed to the advertisements for violent video games, movies, and television programs (Dotson Hyatt 2005). The research result also indicated that advertisements can be the cause of conflict between parents and children (Meech 1999). The research showed that commercials often get young children to want the advertised products and then pressurising their parents to buy it for them. As a result, the conflict between them takes place when the parents say ‘no (Meech 1999). 1.2 Advertising Implications and Health and Obesity Issues In 2003, the BBC revealed that corporate giants such as McDonalds, Cadbury Schweppes, PepsiCo UK, and Kelloggs faced a tough time from the committee of the Members of Parliament who had been holding a long running investigation into the state of the nations health (BBC UK 2003). McDonalds, Cadbury Schweppes, PepsiCo UK, and Kelloggs were accused of marketing high calories meals aimed at children, while neglecting the health implications of a fast food diet (BBC UK 2003). It was revealed by the Chairman of the Health Committee that some food commercials from these accused corporate giants failed to carry health warnings on the packages in similar manner to the tobacco (BBC UK 2003). Chairman of the Health Committee stated that a certain branded cheeseburger with fries and a milkshake would take nine miles to walk off, and this level is too high for young children (BBC UK 2003). It was reported that calorie content does not mean a great deal to people. However, the messages in the advertising are not sufficiently honest to their audiences (BBC UK 2003). An article in reputed medical journal called ‘The Lancet studied and suggested that celebrity endorsement of ‘junk food should be banned. Also, the scale of health and obesity problems have been highlighted in a report of the Food Standards Agency, claiming that some 15 per cent of 15 year-old children are now obese. This figure is three times as many as ten years ago (BBC UK 2003). In addition, the UK government admitted a serious concern about the growing incidence of obesity in the UK by putting new regulations on food and drink manufacturers who must follow the strict code of practice when producing adverts aimed at children (BBC UK 2003). Plans to improve school students diet have also been welcomed by the UK government. A research titled ‘Food Marketing and Advertising Directed at Children and Adolescents: Implications for Overweight (Apha Food and Nutrition 2004) indicates that there is a growing outbreak of overweight children. The unhealthy eating habits of young kids has brought attention to the possible role that food and beverage advertising and marketing play in influencing eating behaviours in young children. In recent years, youth consumers have become potential target market for the food and beverage industry because of their spending power, purchasing influence, and as future adult consumers. Therefore, young children are now the target market of the intense and aggressive food marketing and advertising campaigns. Marketers and advertisers have been employing multiple techniques and channels to reach youth consumers, beginning when they are still toddlers in order to develop and build brands and also encourage the product use when they are in their youth phase. These food marketing channels comprise of effectively and carefully developed marketing communications strategies. Examples include television advertising, in-school marketing, product placements, kids clubs, internet, products with branded logos, and youth-targeted marketing promotions like cross-selling and tie-ins marketing campaigns. It was also reported that foods targeted at children contain high fat, salt, and sugar contents which are the main causes of being overweight. In addition, television advertising and in-school marketing techniques are two of the most prevalent forms of marketing to young children. Television is reported as the largest source of media messages about food to children, particularly younger children. Moreover, a qualitative survey by the Office of Communication (2004) indicates that the average child or adolescent watches an average of three hours of television per day. It showed that young children may view as many as 40,000 commercials each year and food appears to be the most frequently advertised product category on childrens television, accounting for over 50 percent of all advertisements. The survey also disclosed that children view an average of one food commercial every five minutes of television viewing time, and they may see as many as three hours of food commercials each week. Several studies have documented that the foods targeted at young childrens television are mainly high in sugar and fat, with almost no references to fruits or vegetables. Young children and adolescents are currently being exposed to an increasing and unprecedented amount of food advertising and marketing through a wide range of places. It is revealed that young children have few defences against persuasive advertisements and misleading messages. 1.3 Restrictions on Messages of Advertising to Children In recent years, several studies were conducted to highlight and understand the implications of advertising on the behaviour of young children. These studies focus on different aspect. For example, Maher (et al. 2006) carried a research to investigate the changes in types of advertised food products and the use of nutrition versus consumer appeals in childrens advertising from 2000 to 2005. The results revealed that obesity is a serious and expanding concern especially the health of young children. The research further indicated that messages on food advertising have a major impact on eating behaviour. Children tend to ask for food advertised on television when they are eating out with families (Maher et al. 2006). Also, the research disclosed that food processors and restaurants have not changed their advertising messages to young children in response to the multitude of pressure the industry is experiencing (Maher et al. 2006). A recent study by the Office of Communication (OFCOM) revealed that restrictions were launched to eliminate misleading advertising to children. OFCOM published the results of its extended consultation on the television content and scheduling restrictions for food advertising at children. The Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP) has included the new restrictions in its Television Code and CAP (CAP News 2007). The new changes to the television restrictions are now known to all organizations involved in food and soft drink advertising (CAP News 2007). Recently, the BCAP and the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre (BACC) conducted training sessions for the industry and explained the new restrictions and implications of radio advertisements directed at children (CAP News 2007). The launch of new rules on advertising messages to children were based on the agreement of the committee members. The television content restrictions were put into place on 1st of July 2007, while the CAP code changes were published by 1 April 2008 (CAP News 2007). 1.4 Research Aims To examine the effect of advertising on children for the purposes of marketing To know the effect of advertising on a childs eating habit. To understand the opinion of parents on the role of marketers and advertisers. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Defining Implications of Advertising on Children According to Terry Flew (2002), advertising influence is referred to â€Å"The way in which the mass media in all of their forms affect the way the audiences act and behave in their daily lives. The forms of media include television, films, songs and other similar forms.†     (Flew 2002) Jostein Gripsrud (2002) revealed in a book titled ‘Understanding Media Culture that the rapid development of technology has had an impact over the growth of media and advertising over the past few years. He stated that the new forms of media such as the internet changes the way people consume media or advertise products and services. The fast development of media has raised questions on the issue of how media influences attitudes and beliefs of customers. Flew (2002) also disclosed that one of a popular passive audience theories is the inoculation model. This is a long-term affect model. This model explained that upon being exposed to advertisings messages, the viewers will become instantaneously immune to them (2002). Karen Hartman (2000) applied the concept of this model to conduct a research titled ‘Studies of negative political advertising: an annotated bibliography. Gripsrud (2002) argued against the concept of the inoculation model that there was no evidence that the inoculation effect can lead to negative perception, attitude and behaviour. In fact, Gripsrud (2002) said that there was only basic finding to suggest that people had even seen the information which would lead to negative perception. As a result, this concept is commonly discredited by media theorists (Gripsrud 2002). 2.2 Media and Advertising Implication on Children 2.2.1 Television Influence on Human Development Margaret Hogg and Jade Garrow (2003) highlighted in their research called ‘Gender, identity and the consumption of advertising that television advertising has the most influential impact in shaping ideas of appropriate gender role. They concluded that television had a significant impact on the lives of children, influencing attitudes about race and gender (Hogg Garrow 2003). Hogg and Garrow (2003) also claimed in their research that young children are exposed to around 20,000 advertisements a year. By the time they finished or graduated from secondary schools, they would have watched and witnessed many violent deaths on television which could lead to aggressive copycat behaviours (Hogg Garrow 2003). In addition, Michael Dotson and Eva Hyatt (2005) carried out a research to examine the major factors influencing childrens consumer socialization. The research findings showed that that pro-social and antisocial behaviour was influenced by television programs (Dotson Hyatt 2005). In a research entitled ‘Childrens television programming (Cohen et al. 2002), it was revealed that young children spend an average of thirty hours a week watching television programs. The study also indicated that children spend more time watching television than the time they spend on anything else with sleeping as an exception (Cohen et al. 2002). Furthermore, Kara Chan and James McNeal (2006) examined the effect of advertising on children in China. The main aim of their research was to examine how advertising ownership, media usage, and attention to advertising vary among urban and rural children in Mainland China (Chan McNeal 2006). The study also collected information regarding the context of media usage and time spent on various activities. A survey of 1,977 urban rural children age group of 6 to 13 year-old in four Chinese cities, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai, and in the rural areas of four provinces Heilongjian, Hubei, Hunan and Yunnan was carried out in March 2003 to May 2004 (Chan McNeal 2006). The questionnaires were distributed through sixteen elementary schools and local researchers were selected and trained to administer the data collection (Chan McNeal 2006). The research result indicated that media ownership and media exposure were high for television, childrens books, cassette players, VCD players and radios among both urban and rural samples (Chan McNeal 2006). In general, media ownership, exposure and usage were far higher among urban children than among rural children. However, the results revealed that television ownership and television exposure were slightly higher among rural children than among urban children. Chan and McNeal (2006) also claimed in their study that the urban-rural gap between media ownership and media exposure was more well-known for new media forms such as internet. Chinese children had low to medium attention to advertising. Rural children were reported to have a higher attention to television commercial than urban children, whilst urban children reported a higher attention to other forms of advertising than rural children (Chan McNeal 2006). 2.2.2 Advertising Influence on Child Behaviour Jobber (1974) conducted a research examining the implications television advertising had on consumers behaviour. His research presented and analyzed consumer reaction to television advertising. It assessed consumer attitude by the use of three criteria, including consumer feeling exaggerated and annoying advertising, the consumers subjective assessment of creative advertising and their assessment of their ideal type of advertisement (Jobber 1974). The research finding showed that consumer reactions were disturbing, indicating the uncomplimentary result which could reduce advertising effectiveness (Jobber 1974). In addition, Noor Ghani (2004) disclosed in a research ‘Television viewing and consumer behaviour that the effect of television programs on childrens development as consumers begins with consumer socialization. Ghani (2004) stated that television is an influential model for childrens expressions of nonverbal behaviour and emotion. A survey of Malaysian schoolchildren was studied, focusing on demographic variables, such as gender and family income. Ghani (2004) also considered personal trait, in relation to television viewing habits and consumer behaviours propensity to buy, time spent watching television, preferred type of programme etc. The research results indicated that the importance of family income is a predictor of the differences in socialization, while gender is less influential (Ghani 2004).The study also looked at six personality traits and revealed that an aggressive-passive personality is the most influential on socialization (Ghani 2004). 2.2.4 Media and Advertising Influence on Food Choice Preference A study examined the implications television advertisements on food and eating behaviour was conducted by Roger Dickson (2000). He described the background to and main findings from a three-year funded research project on the role of television in the food choices of young people. The research project investigated the nature and extent of televisions portrayal of food and eating of young peoples interpretation (Dickson 2000). The research finding indicated that food and eating habits were portrayed very frequently on the television advertisements in the UK, but the ‘message in television programmes contrasts with the ‘message in the advertising in the terms of nutritional content of the food depicted (Dickson 2000). Dickson stated that this disorder eating behaviours and contradiction reflected in young viewers accounts of their own eating habits. In addition, a serious public concern on ‘size zero boy size is another good example of television advertising and media implications on unhealthy eating habit of young generations. In an article titled ‘Primetime television impact on adolescents impression of bodyweight, sex appeal and food and beverage consumption (Hamp et al. 2004) investigated the issue. The research presented a content analysis of ten television programmes frequently viewed by twelve to seventeen year-olds consumers in the US. The research finding indicated that television viewing is ever-present in adolescent culture, but the influence of television characters on adolescent behaviours and social norms is not well understood among young audients (Hamp et al. 2004). Another survey conducted by posting questionnaires online to investigate the same issue with students aged between 12 to 19 year-olds from across the state of Arizona participated to complete the survey electronically. The data were assessed by tabulation, principal axis factor analysis and liner regression analysis (Hamp et al. 2004) The research results indicated that 12 per cent of the subjects had a body mass index for age over the 95th percentile, 50 per cent of them reported watching television two hours of each day, and 59 per cent reported accruing 60 minutes of exercise and physical each day (Hamp et al. 2004). The results also discovered that over 35 per cent of respondents reported eating pizza and pasta frequently (Hamp et al. 2004). In the drink category, beer and wine were seen as the most frequently consumed beverages on television, while 63.9 per cent of sample members reported soda as their personal beverage of choice preference (Hamp et al. 2004). The factors extraction from this survey revealed three-factor solutions: television viewers and perceivers, television viewers and doers. Significant predictors of body mass index for age included urbanity and survey questions related to bodyweight perceptions (Hamp et al. 2004). It can be concluded that television programs with the focuses on sex appeal, thinness, and alcohol may have a powerful effect on young people self-esteem, body satisfaction, and eating habits (Hamp et al. 2004). 2.3 The Survey Child Obesity Food Advertising in Context by Ofcom This section presents the executive summary from a survey findings investigated by the Office of Communication (Ofcom), focusing on childrens food choice, parents understanding and influence, and the role of food promotions. The full research results are available on Ofcoms official website http://www.ofcom.org.uk. A survey was carried out by Ofcom in 2004 to present the followings: Background data on national lifestyle changes Re-analysis of market data on family food purchase and consumption An analysis of The Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB) An analysis of data from Neilsen Media Research on the advertising market The content analysis of food advertising on ITV1 The summary of bespoke qualitative and quantitative research commissioned by Ofcom to identify implications on childrens food preferences, purchase behaviour and consumption, and the role of television advertising 2.3.1 Changing Lifestyle Effect British Food Culture The lifestyle trends in the UK include the rising incomes, longer working hours, increasing numbers of working mothers, time-poor/cash-rich parents support a ‘convenience food culture and the increased consumption of High Fat, Salt and Sugar (HFSS) foods. The demand for ready-meals in the UK grew by 44 per cent between 1990 and 2002. People in the UK are now consuming double the amount of ready-meals consumed in France, and six times the number in Spain. 80 per cent of households in the UK have a microwave, compared with 27 per cent in Italy (Ofcom 2004). The findings in qualitative research by Ofcom indicate that many mothers talked of having no time to cook meals. There was a feeling that real cooking is hard work. The abundance of processed products that do not need forward planning and require little effort, making it easy to produce food for children quickly and conveniently (Ofcom 2004). Also, the lack of preparation is important to older children who are likely to be preparing their own snacks. Ofcoms qualitative research found that breakfast and packed lunches for school are prepared in the morning rush, when mothers are particularly busy. The food industry has developed products, and many of which are high fat, salt, and sugar contents, targeting these eating occasions and markets them heavily to mothers and children (Ofcom 2004). The research results are also somewhat contradictory. There is some evidence that demand for take-away meals and affordable eating options outside the home are on an increase. The food industry has met such needs by the expansion of fast food outlets, and many of which sell high fat, salt, and sugar products (Ofcom 2004). The pre-prepared, convenience foods, take-away meals and eating-out, reduce parents control over what goes into food, making it more difficult to monitor high fat, salt, and sugar contents (Ofcom 2004). In addition, the convenient and pre-prepared meals are less likely to be eaten with fresh fruits and vegetables (Ofcom 2004). There is a continuously growing snacking culture amongst children who favours high fat, salt, and sugar foods consumption (Ofcom 2004).There is a decline on the number of occasions that a family eats together (Ofcom 2004). The food and grocery market has developed a range of chilled, frozen, and pre-prepared meals targeting children who eat without adults (Ofcom 2004). These ready-to-cook meals can be prepared without affecting dining patterns of the rest of the household (Ofcom 2004). There is an increasing of less controlling parents and child relationships. Children have more spending power and they are increasingly control their own eating patterns (Ofcom 2004). 2.3.2 What Children Are Eating? According to the research conducted by Ofcom (2004), it was reported that British children are reported to enjoy foods high in fats, sugars and salt, such as sweets, soft drinks, crisps and savoury snacks, fast food and pre-sugared breakfast cereals, which are well-known as ‘the Big Five (Ofcom 2004). Also, families are consuming more pre-prepared and convenience foods, which are high in fats, salt and sugar. This trend makes ‘a Big 6 of foods, urging dieticians and health professionals to have serious concerns (Ofcom 2004). Children consume well below the recommended amount of fresh fruits and vegetables (Ofcom 2004). The World Health Organization recommends at least five portions of fruits and vegetables per day (Ofcom 2004). Fresh fruit consumption in household has risen for much of the last twenty-five years, while fresh green vegetables consumption was 27 per cent lower in 2000 than in 1975 (Ofcom 2004). Furthermore, most kids do know that fruits and vegetables are good for them, but they prefer the taste of high fat, salt, and sugar food (Ofcom 2004). If young children do not want to get fat, it is because they perceive it to be unattractive (Ofcom 2004). 2.3.3 Factors Influencing Child Food Choices Psychosocial factors food preferences, meanings of food, and food knowledge Biological factors, such as hunger and gender Behavioural factors, including time and convenience and dieting patterns Family income, working status of mother, family eating patterns etc. Friends conformity, norms, and peers Schools school meals, sponsorship, and vending machines Commercial sites, such as fast food restaurants and stores Youth market and pester power Media factors, such as television advertising 2.3.4 The Role of Parents in Child Obesity According to the survey of the Gfk NOP investigated opinion on the role of parents in child obesity indicated that 79 per cent of parents have a great responsibility for the situation outlined in a recent publicity about child diet, while other groups are seen as having an important part to play, such as schools with 52 per cent and food manufacturers with 43 per cent (Ofcom 2004). About Just one third think the government (33 per cent) and the media (32 per cent) as for having great responsibility on the issue, followed by the supermarkets (28 per cent) and broadcasters (23 per cent) (Ofcom 2004). When the subjects were asked which one of the same groups could do most to ensure that children eat healthily, the research finding indicated that parents and family are named by 55 per cent of the respondents, followed by food manufacturers, schools, media, the government, supermarkets, and broadcasters (Ofcom 2004). The qualitative research conducted by the Ofcom suggested that the majority of parents often put off their child food preferences (Ofcom 2004). They also tended to serve their kids with high fat, salt, and sugar foods. These parents were more often to be found in the lower socio-economic groups in which money is tighter, and food choices in the area are more restricted (Ofcom 2004). The research results also showed only a minority of parents who seemed to exercise effective control over their child food choices. These parents were usually better off in the term of income, and they more often found in the higher socio-economic groups (Ofcom 2004). In addition, the qualitative research by Ofcome suggested that many mothers thought they know what a healthy diet is. However, these mothers were at a loss as to how to make the healthy diet attractive to their kids (Ofcom 2004). These mothers expressed that they would have to reject the whole categories of foods, such as dairy products, sugar, and carbohydrates. Such mothers believed the outcomes of healthy eating outlined in the media, lessening the risk of obesity and better dental health (Ofcom 2004). Moreover, the minority of more confident, better-informed, and middle-class, mothers were more proactive (Ofcom 2004). These mothers were aware of the long-term risks involved with unhealthy eating habits which could cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Such mothers do not exclude whole categories of food, but they were more likely to limit the use of high fat, salt, and sugar foods and exclude those with artificial additives (Ofcom 2004). 2.3.5 The Role of Schools in Child Obesity Ofcoms qualitative research in schools revealed that there was a formal coverage of diet and nutrition in classrooms, where teachers educate students about healthy food choices (Ofcom 2004). In addition, there was evidence that some schools were making successful attempts to provide healthy food choices and influence students to have health diets (Ofcom 2004). However, there was a little active supervision of what children actually choose to eat at schools during the lunchtimes. Moreover, most school provision appeared to be driven by what children wanted and could be seen as giving a seal of approval to eating high fat, salt, and sugar products which were popular among stents in both primary and secondary schools (Ofcom 2004). Regarding the barriers to healthier diet in schools in the qualitative research reported that finance is a key barrier to healthier provision in schools (Ofcom 2004). To make food provision cost-effective, schools to sell high fat, salt, and sugar foods because these products are what children like, want and will buy (Ofcom 2004). Thus, the vending machines bring in much needed income for the schools. Another key barrier to healthier provision in schools is that schools may lack of control over the food provision if contracted catering companies have power in terms of what food is provided (Ofcom 2004). These firms can be very resistant to moves towards healthier food which may be less popular among students and has an impact on the financial performance of their business operation (Ofcom 2004). 2.3.6 The Role of Television Advertising An academic research confirmed that numbers of hours spent in watching television correlate with the measures of poor diet, poor health, and obesity among both children and adults (Ofcom 2004). There are three explanations for this finding: Television viewing is an inactive activity that reduces metabolic rates and displaces physical exercise (Ofcom 2004). Television viewing is associated with frequent snacking, pre-prepared meals and fast food consumption (Ofcom 2004). Television viewing includes exposure to advertisements for HFSS food products (Ofcom 2004). 2.3.7 The Direct Effects of Television Advertising Academic research showed the modest direct effects of television advertising on child food preference, consumption, and behaviour (Ofcom 2004). It revealed that there was insufficient evidence to determine the relative size of the effect of television advertising on child food choice by comparison with other relevant factors (Ofcom 2004). In the context of the multiplicity of psychosocial, biological, behavioural, family, friends, schools, commercial sites youth market and pester power, and media factors were not surprising that they direct contribution of television advertising had been found to be modest (Ofcom 2004). According to the Gfk NOP survey results, when television advertising is put in the context of other influencing factors, the subjects believed that it does not have an impact on food choice preferences among parents and children (Ofcom 2004). However, it is rather small when compared to
Friday, 25 October 2019
Cisco Systems Essay -- essays research papers
Case Study: The Internet and the New Information Technology Infrastructure 1.     Describe the competitive business environment in which GM is operating General Motors, while they are the largest automobile maker, are currently going through a decline in sales. Their competition is extremely stiff. With competitors such as Ford, Chrysler, and other Japanese vehicles that have lower production costs and include better styling issues and quality in mind, this makes for a difficult struggle for GM. †¢Ã‚     GM remains a far-flung vertically integrated corporation †¢Ã‚     Makes 70% of their own parts While GM makes their own parts, other companies, such as Daimer-Chrylser purchases their parts from other vendors with whom they can haggle over their prices. With such advances in the automobile industry, this brought about a race for companies surrounding GM to produce more vehicles quicker and allowed for faster sales. While some may say that GM still builds quality cars, they are by no means keeping up with the competition in production areas. 2.     Describe the relationship between GM’s organization and its information technology infrastructure. What management, organization, and technology factors influenced this relationship? GM’s organization found that its system as a whole was falling behind in technology. Their design group could not relate with other sectors of the company, as each division of the company was on their own software and hardware database. No one particular system communicated with another. In the early 80’s GM tried to integrate their system by using EDS (Electronic Data Systems) and they were able to streamline their computers together. Their current CIO Ralph Szygenda has managed to bring the company to its feet once again by bringing in several new changes. †¢Ã‚     Replaced many systems with standardized software for all computers which in turn was networked to other systems †¢Ã‚     Created programs that would correlate with one another and enabled data sharing †¢Ã‚     Consolidated legacy systems and databases Management realized that without sharing the data and having a system that could run smoothly they would soon fall to their knees. When they began reali... ...e problem is quickly finding the car that the customer wants, which is a strategy better known as Locate-to-Order. To reach this goal, GM must create a regional inventory of the vehicle pool that will be shown on the Internet so that regardless of the vehicles’ location, potential buyers can find â€Å"their†vehicle. There is one flaw in the system that manufacturers and dealers must deal with in the business. They must realize that customers will require varying styles, colors and other options and they (the company) must be ready at the drop of a hat to have the product readied. The inventory must be stocked and ready to be sold. Internet technology could be the catalyst for GM to reconstruct its entire value chain, transforming itself into a customer-focused business that provides many different electronic services to consumers, as well as cars. â€Å"Built-to-order†has been around the auto industry for a long time, but only for very expensive cars, and it required a waiting period of two to three months before delivery. This system would greatly reduce finished vehicle inventory costs as well as generate other production cost savings, potentially saving GM $20 billion per year.
Thursday, 24 October 2019
Prescription Drug Abuse
Introduction.When we think of drug nuts and maltreatment we usually think of people who take the common street drugs such as cocaine, cleft, heroine, or other illegal drugs. However most people do n't recognize or take earnestly the turning figure of maltreaters of prescription drugs presently in our state. There is a common misconception that merely because a physician prescribes a certain drug that that is someway safer and different than utilizing the alleged street drugs. After all, you are being given a prescription to take the drug by your doctor, and it is non illegal or a offense. However, we must recognize that dependence is n't limited to merely illicit drugs on the street, but frequently doctor prescribed medicines as good. Prescription drugs have improved and saved infinite Numberss of lives over the old ages as many new discoveries have been achieved in scientific discipline and medical specialty in handling a assortment of known diseases. â€Å"However, utilizing these drugs without the supervising of a doctor or for intents different from their intended usage can take to serious inauspicious effects, including decease from overdose and physical dependence. Because many prescription drugs are frequently opiate based, when abused, these drugs can be as habit-forming and unsafe as illegal drugs.†1 ) ( Pat Moore Foundation | Prescription Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to ( M.D, Volkow, 2005 ) , manager at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2 ) â€Å"an estimated 48 million people ( ages 12 and older ) , have used prescription drugs for non-medical grounds, which represents about 20 per centum of the U.S. population.†Additionally, 3 ) â€Å"in 2000, approximately 43 per centum of infirmary exigency admittances for drug overdoses ( about 500,000 people ) happened because of misused prescription drugs, and in â€Å"2006 entirely, 700,000 exigency room visits were attributed to prescription drug overdoses.†4 ) ( Thibodeau, 2009 ) . This type of drug maltreatment is increasing at an dismaying rate because of their widespread handiness, including online pharmaceuticss which have made it much easier for anyone regardless of age to get drugs without a prescription. ( Prescription Drug Abuse Information | Drug Rehab Programs, 2009 ) . 3 ) â€Å"One of the most common and primary methods of obtaining prescription drugs by nuts is by physician shopping harmonizing to the Drug Enforcement Administration ( DEA ) .†5 ) This method refers to a individual who continually searches out different physicians to order the same medicines in order to feed their dependences. I think most of us either know or have known persons or even household members who have resorted to this type of behaviour in order to acquire prescription drugs for this intent. The most common types of drugs that are frequently abused are cardinal nervous system sedatives such as benzodiazepines or tranquillizers, often prescribed for anxiousness and kiping upsets, opioids and narcotics for hurting alleviation, and stimulations such as those given for attending shortage hyperactivity upset, ( ADHD ) , narcolepsy, and fleshiness. 6 ) ( Prescription Drug Abuse Chart – Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics – NIDA, 2009 ) â€Å"For illustration, U.S. prescriptions for stimulations ( including those taken for ADHD ) increased from around 5 million in 1991 to about 35 million in 2007. Prescriptions for opioid analgesics such as oxycodone ( OxyContin ) and hydrocodone ( Vicodin ) increased from 40 million in 1991 to 180 million in 2007.†7 ) ( Mayo Clinic, 2008 ) . I feel the grounds for this important addition in prescription drug maltreatment is simple. We live in a society today that tells you a pill can bring around and work out all of your jobs no affair what they are. All we have to make is turn on the telecasting and see the changeless barrage of advertizements for the latest prescription drugs on the market. As a consequence, the pharmaceutical industry is doing one million millions of dollars off of people and is surely non traveling to kick, therefore encouraging and driving the epidemic even more. Furthermore, these drugs are comparatively easy to obtain and are socially acceptable by the huge bulk of the public compared to illegal drugs. In merely the past several old ages, we have seen the outgrowth and proliferation of many â€Å"pain clinics†throughout the United States. Although non all are bad, some of these installations as stated by 8 ) ( Silverman & A ; Brown, MD, 2009 ) , â€Å"are frequently non-physician owned and run merely inside the jurisprudence. The doctors who pattern in these installations are seldom accredited through board enfranchisement processes, and many take no insurance and publicize confidential, hard currency merely services. Some even advertise armed guards in the waiting suites. With no inadvertence, these installations serve as a beginning for a uninterrupted supply of controlled substances to frequently times addicted and sometimes naAA?ve people. It is non uncommon to happen patients of these installations having 10s of 1000s of mgs of opioid medicines each month.†With these types of plans and clinics runing and promoting such drug maltreatment, I feel that the people who truly necessitate these medicines are frequently the 1s who suffer, such as persons with painful terminal diseases and unwellnesss like malignant neoplastic disease. I experienced this first-hand with my mother several old ages ago when she was diagnosed with terminal lung malignant neoplastic disease that had metastasized to her castanetss, and impotently watched her suffer from hurting. While she was undergoing radiation interventions at a malignant neoplastic disease clinic, her physician at that place stated that she should utilize Advil to assist with her hurting and that the authorities was checking down on agenda drugs that were prescribed. My response to this is, if malignant neoplastic disease patients ca n't acquire the necessary hurting medicines they urgently need, yet nuts can acquire all they want, so there is something really incorrect with this state we live i n and our wellness attention system.Decision.What is of import to acknowledge and go cognizant of about prescription drug maltreatment is that it is much the same as other signifiers of illegal drug maltreatment such as cocaine or diacetylmorphine, and no 1 is immune. It can be merely as unsafe and lifelessly as other illicit drugs, and affects persons of all ages, races, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds. It can besides destruct households, occupations, and places every bit good as holding fatal wellness effects. In fact, usage of prescription drugs now causes more deceases than diacetylmorphine and cocaine combined, harmonizing to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.†9 ) ( Treatment Solutions Network, 2009 ) . Furthermore, with the recent tragic and ill-timed deceases of famous persons such as Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, and Heath Ledger related to prescription drug maltreatment, I feel this job is eventually being brought to the head and exposed, conveying a much needed consciousness to the dangers and effects of mistreating prescription drugs.Mentions:1 ) Pat Moore Foundation | Prescription Drug Abuse. ( n.d. ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.patmoorefoundation.com/prescription-drug-abuse 2 M.D, Volkow, N. ( 2005 ) . NIDA – Research Report Series – Prescription Drugs: Maltreatment and Addiction. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.drugabuse.gov/ResearchReports/Prescription/Prescription.html 3 ) Prescription Drug Abuse Information | Drug Rehab Programs. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.prescription-drug-abuse.org/ 4 ) Thibodeau, D. ( 2009, October 20 ) . Prescription drug maltreatment now tops illegal drug usage | GoDanRiver. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www2.godanriver.com/gdr/news/local/danville_news/article/prescription_drug_abuse_now_tops_illegal_drug_use/14771/ 5 ) Drug Addiction – Doctor Shopping – Chronic Pain Medication Addiction. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.drug-addiction.com/doctor_shopping.htm 6 ) Prescription Drug Abuse Chart – Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics – NIDA. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nida.nih.gov/DrugPages/PrescripDrugsChart.html 7 ) Mayo Clinic. ( 2008 ) . Prescription drug maltreatment – MSN Health & A ; Fitness – Addiction|Quit Smoking. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //health.msn.com/health-topics/addiction/articlepage.aspx? cp-documentid=100211994 8 ) Silverman, MD, S. M. , & A ; Brown, MD, L. ( 2009 ) . Prescription Drug Abuse: In the US and Florida. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.hgexperts.com/article.asp? id=6649 9 ) Treatment Solutions Network. ( 2009 ) . Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.treatmentsolutionsnetwork.com/prescription-drug-abuse.html Prescription Drug Abuse The audience I will be addressing is parents, caregivers and school educators about the dangers of prescription drugs and how we can better educate teenagers and young adults on the dangers of abusing them. There are many ways that we can teach and educate our teenagers and young adults, but it’s important that families, schools and communities are involved. The rate of prescription drug overdose among teenagers and young adults have sky rocketed over the past several years. This has become a growing epidemic and if we don’t step in and do something, this problem will only get worse. No parent or caregiver ever wants to lose a child and it can be especial harder knowing that you could have helped prevent it. Some people say it’s the schools job to education this subject and others say that education starts at home. Where can our parents/caregivers get the information they need to help better understand the problem itself and to help safe guard their children? Who would be the best influence to talk to our teens and young adults? In my essay I will explain why it’s so important that schools and parents/caregivers need to both educate and talk to our young adults and teens. 205) Kara Gordon Prescription Drug Abuse among Teens and Young Adults Prescription drug misuse and overdose among teens and young adults is one of the fastest growing health epidemics in the United States. While there has been a marked decrease in the use of some illegal drugs like cocaine, data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) show that nearly one-third of p eople aged 12 and over whom used drugs for the first time began by using a prescription drug non-medically. The amount of controlled substances dispensed and used non medically is scary considering that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that opioid drugs, including oxycodone and hydrocodone, caused more than 15,500 overdose deaths in 2010 and that number is increasing. Parents/caregivers and educators need to action and educate our children before it’s too late. Informing teens and young adults about the dangers of taking prescription drugs that don’t belong to them could save their lives. Teens and young adults have chosen prescription drugs as their drug of choice because it is less expensive as illegal drugs like cocaine or marijuana, and more easily accessible. All they need to do is walk into their own bathroom and look into the medicine cabinet. It’s sitting in plain sight for the taking. They don’t realize the danger of taking prescription drugs that were not prescribed to them. They think because it was prescribed by a doctor that it must be safe. Teens and young adults also feel that, †Parents don’t care as much if they get caught using prescription drugs, without a doctor’s prescription, than they do if they get caught using illegal drugs†(PR Newswire 4/23/13) like cocaine or marijuana. The most commonly known and used prescription pills that teens and young adults abuse are Vicodin, Oxycontin, Adderall, and Ritalin. There are also designer drugs such as â€Å"K2†, â€Å"Spice†and â€Å"bath salts. †These designer drugs can be extremely dangerous because they haven’t been tested or approved and you are basically experimenting on your own body. When teens and young adults use these types of prescription drugs, most people think that they are looking to get high. This is not always the case. â€Å"Teens abuse prescription drugs for a number of reasons, including to get high, to treat pain, or because they think it will help them with school work. Boys and girls tend to abuse some types of prescription drugs for many different reasons. †(Bethesda) Like, boys are more likely to abuse prescription stimulants to get high, while girls tend to abuse them to stay alert or to lose weight. Teens and young adults realize when they have taken to many pills until it’s too late. â€Å"Some of the signs or symptoms they may poses are an altered mental state, confusion, slurred speech excited delirium or agitation, sweating and out of control. †(Knudson) They may be unable to breathe on their own. If you notice any of these symptoms you should take them to the emergency room immediately. It is better to have them looked at by a physician than not at all. As parents and caregivers it’s your job to make sure that your prescription drugs are stored in their proper place at your home. Just like guns, they need to be locked up and out of reach of your loved ones. Therefore does not provide them the opportunity or means to get them. We also need to â€Å"take the opportunity to clean out our medicine cabinets and safely dispose of unwanted drugs. †(PR Newswire 2013) There are several ways that you can properly dispose of your prescriptions drugs and one way is to use medication disposal envelopes. This is a postage-paid envelope that allows people to mail their unwanted or unused prescriptions to a licensed, secure facility for safe destruction. Another way is through a National Drug Take Back Day. Communities will hold these take back days to provide a safe, convenient and secure means of drug disposal. This is usually run by law enforcement or municipal agencies. Education is also a key ingredient to help protecting our children from prescription drug abuse. Almost a decade ago schools were more focused on keeping students from misusing alcohol and illegal street drugs like ecstasy, heroin and cocaine that there was never a concern to even speak about prescription drugs. After a study held by the Centers of Disease Control in 2009, it showed that teens as early as eleven years old were taking prescription medicine at was not prescribed to them. â€Å"Prevention of adolescent drug use has never been more important and response to this alarming trend, â€Å"Wake UP†was formed as a community education campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of abusing prescription drugs and to prevent first time use by teens and young adults. (PR Newswire 2012) This program was created by The Pain Truth, a charitable organization that started two years ago as an effort to education our children to make better decisions when opportunities of prescription drug abuse are given. This campaign is provided to all schools and communities at no cost. â€Å"Misuse and abuse of prescription drugs knows no boundaries and requires a comprehensive response that engages all elements and influencers of a teenager’s life. †This was stated by Paul Barsky, the head of Upper School at Francis Parker School. What better way to sum up this essay. There are thousands of teens and young adults out there abusing prescription drugs right now. It is our job as parents, caregivers, and educators to do everything in our power to teach our teens and young adults everything we can about the dangers of prescription drug abuse. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies in 2012 reported that among Indiana residents ages 12 to 17, 8. 2% used prescription pain medications for nonmedical purposes in the past year; Indiana’s percentage was statistically similar to the nation’s 6. %. The Indiana College Substance Use Survey that was conducted in 2011 showed 11. 3% of Indiana College students used prescription medications not prescribed to them in the past year, with 6. 2% currently using and 3. 8% of Indiana college students misused their prescription medication in the past year, with 1. 4% of students reporting current misuse. That is why it is so important that we reach out to our children and communicate and education them as best we can. You never know that the next child’s life that is saved could be our own. (1069) Prescription Drug Abuse Introduction.When we think of drug nuts and maltreatment we usually think of people who take the common street drugs such as cocaine, cleft, heroine, or other illegal drugs. However most people do n't recognize or take earnestly the turning figure of maltreaters of prescription drugs presently in our state. There is a common misconception that merely because a physician prescribes a certain drug that that is someway safer and different than utilizing the alleged street drugs. After all, you are being given a prescription to take the drug by your doctor, and it is non illegal or a offense. However, we must recognize that dependence is n't limited to merely illicit drugs on the street, but frequently doctor prescribed medicines as good. Prescription drugs have improved and saved infinite Numberss of lives over the old ages as many new discoveries have been achieved in scientific discipline and medical specialty in handling a assortment of known diseases. â€Å"However, utilizing these drugs without the supervising of a doctor or for intents different from their intended usage can take to serious inauspicious effects, including decease from overdose and physical dependence. Because many prescription drugs are frequently opiate based, when abused, these drugs can be as habit-forming and unsafe as illegal drugs.†1 ) ( Pat Moore Foundation | Prescription Drug Abuse, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to ( M.D, Volkow, 2005 ) , manager at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2 ) â€Å"an estimated 48 million people ( ages 12 and older ) , have used prescription drugs for non-medical grounds, which represents about 20 per centum of the U.S. population.†Additionally, 3 ) â€Å"in 2000, approximately 43 per centum of infirmary exigency admittances for drug overdoses ( about 500,000 people ) happened because of misused prescription drugs, and in â€Å"2006 entirely, 700,000 exigency room visits were attributed to prescription drug overdoses.†4 ) ( Thibodeau, 2009 ) . This type of drug maltreatment is increasing at an dismaying rate because of their widespread handiness, including online pharmaceuticss which have made it much easier for anyone regardless of age to get drugs without a prescription. ( Prescription Drug Abuse Information | Drug Rehab Programs, 2009 ) . 3 ) â€Å"One of the most common and primary methods of obtaining prescription drugs by nuts is by physician shopping harmonizing to the Drug Enforcement Administration ( DEA ) .†5 ) This method refers to a individual who continually searches out different physicians to order the same medicines in order to feed their dependences. I think most of us either know or have known persons or even household members who have resorted to this type of behaviour in order to acquire prescription drugs for this intent. The most common types of drugs that are frequently abused are cardinal nervous system sedatives such as benzodiazepines or tranquillizers, often prescribed for anxiousness and kiping upsets, opioids and narcotics for hurting alleviation, and stimulations such as those given for attending shortage hyperactivity upset, ( ADHD ) , narcolepsy, and fleshiness. 6 ) ( Prescription Drug Abuse Chart – Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics – NIDA, 2009 ) â€Å"For illustration, U.S. prescriptions for stimulations ( including those taken for ADHD ) increased from around 5 million in 1991 to about 35 million in 2007. Prescriptions for opioid analgesics such as oxycodone ( OxyContin ) and hydrocodone ( Vicodin ) increased from 40 million in 1991 to 180 million in 2007.†7 ) ( Mayo Clinic, 2008 ) . I feel the grounds for this important addition in prescription drug maltreatment is simple. We live in a society today that tells you a pill can bring around and work out all of your jobs no affair what they are. All we have to make is turn on the telecasting and see the changeless barrage of advertizements for the latest prescription drugs on the market. As a consequence, the pharmaceutical industry is doing one million millions of dollars off of people and is surely non traveling to kick, therefore encouraging and driving the epidemic even more. Furthermore, these drugs are comparatively easy to obtain and are socially acceptable by the huge bulk of the public compared to illegal drugs. In merely the past several old ages, we have seen the outgrowth and proliferation of many â€Å"pain clinics†throughout the United States. Although non all are bad, some of these installations as stated by 8 ) ( Silverman & A ; Brown, MD, 2009 ) , â€Å"are frequently non-physician owned and run merely inside the jurisprudence. The doctors who pattern in these installations are seldom accredited through board enfranchisement processes, and many take no insurance and publicize confidential, hard currency merely services. Some even advertise armed guards in the waiting suites. With no inadvertence, these installations serve as a beginning for a uninterrupted supply of controlled substances to frequently times addicted and sometimes naAA?ve people. It is non uncommon to happen patients of these installations having 10s of 1000s of mgs of opioid medicines each month.†With these types of plans and clinics runing and promoting such drug maltreatment, I feel that the people who truly necessitate these medicines are frequently the 1s who suffer, such as persons with painful terminal diseases and unwellnesss like malignant neoplastic disease. I experienced this first-hand with my mother several old ages ago when she was diagnosed with terminal lung malignant neoplastic disease that had metastasized to her castanetss, and impotently watched her suffer from hurting. While she was undergoing radiation interventions at a malignant neoplastic disease clinic, her physician at that place stated that she should utilize Advil to assist with her hurting and that the authorities was checking down on agenda drugs that were prescribed. My response to this is, if malignant neoplastic disease patients ca n't acquire the necessary hurting medicines they urgently need, yet nuts can acquire all they want, so there is something really incorrect with this state we live i n and our wellness attention system.Decision.What is of import to acknowledge and go cognizant of about prescription drug maltreatment is that it is much the same as other signifiers of illegal drug maltreatment such as cocaine or diacetylmorphine, and no 1 is immune. It can be merely as unsafe and lifelessly as other illicit drugs, and affects persons of all ages, races, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds. It can besides destruct households, occupations, and places every bit good as holding fatal wellness effects. In fact, usage of prescription drugs now causes more deceases than diacetylmorphine and cocaine combined, harmonizing to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.†9 ) ( Treatment Solutions Network, 2009 ) . Furthermore, with the recent tragic and ill-timed deceases of famous persons such as Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, and Heath Ledger related to prescription drug maltreatment, I feel this job is eventually being brought to the head and exposed, conveying a much needed consciousness to the dangers and effects of mistreating prescription drugs.Mentions:1 ) Pat Moore Foundation | Prescription Drug Abuse. ( n.d. ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.patmoorefoundation.com/prescription-drug-abuse 2 M.D, Volkow, N. ( 2005 ) . NIDA – Research Report Series – Prescription Drugs: Maltreatment and Addiction. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.drugabuse.gov/ResearchReports/Prescription/Prescription.html 3 ) Prescription Drug Abuse Information | Drug Rehab Programs. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.prescription-drug-abuse.org/ 4 ) Thibodeau, D. ( 2009, October 20 ) . Prescription drug maltreatment now tops illegal drug usage | GoDanRiver. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www2.godanriver.com/gdr/news/local/danville_news/article/prescription_drug_abuse_now_tops_illegal_drug_use/14771/ 5 ) Drug Addiction – Doctor Shopping – Chronic Pain Medication Addiction. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.drug-addiction.com/doctor_shopping.htm 6 ) Prescription Drug Abuse Chart – Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics – NIDA. ( 2009 ) . . Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nida.nih.gov/DrugPages/PrescripDrugsChart.html 7 ) Mayo Clinic. ( 2008 ) . Prescription drug maltreatment – MSN Health & A ; Fitness – Addiction|Quit Smoking. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //health.msn.com/health-topics/addiction/articlepage.aspx? cp-documentid=100211994 8 ) Silverman, MD, S. M. , & A ; Brown, MD, L. ( 2009 ) . Prescription Drug Abuse: In the US and Florida. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.hgexperts.com/article.asp? id=6649 9 ) Treatment Solutions Network. ( 2009 ) . Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.treatmentsolutionsnetwork.com/prescription-drug-abuse.html
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Driving Age Should Be Raised
Should homework be banned. Yes, I feel it should be banned because you don't get any time for yourself, pointless. Because you already get work at school, seriously, home too? It kills trees, waste of time, boring, some parents don't even get it, it completely stresses you out. Not only you, but the teachers because all they do is grade tests, homework, classwork, and projects. I'm pretty sure they're tired of doing it too. I don't feel homework necessary. Homework should be banned because it just isn't useful and wastes time.Homework is pointless because kids do enough work in school and they don't need more. When they come home they want to chill out, hang out with friends, or do something. Kids are in school for 8 hours a day doing work, other than lunch and recess. Homework is not relevant for kids. I did a survey at school at resource, and a majority of kids say that homework should be banned in school because it is stressful and they procrastinate until the last second. There i s no point in homework.It takes away from spending time with family. According to the text with research ‘Homework Should be Banned,' â€Å"Schools has increased from 9 to 3 with 1 ? hour of recess and lunch to 8:40 to 3:15 with only 30 minutes of lunch and recess. †This quote shows that too much is just too much homework. Also, another reason is that, according to research, some of the smartest countries like Finland and Japan don’t have homework. We can be just as smart as them without homework.Compare and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the SummerThis shows that homework has no academic benefits for grades. Stress on kids. I’m definitely not the only student who agrees with this topic. Students all over the world have their lives controlled by homework, because not only is it boring but it takes up so much time and effort and after 8 hours of school, it feels absolutely useless. Firstly a 12-13 year old should be getting at least 8-10 hou rs of sleep but it can be hard when you have homework to finish and worries about it
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
The Types of Features Used in Different Television Shows
The Types of Features Used in Different Television Shows Introduction Television stations present various types of shows ranging from talk shows, comedies, drama series, movies, news and documentaries. Television stations play a major role in shaping the opinion of the public (Barnlund, 2008). To effectively capture the targeted viewers, several factors have to be considered by the television stations.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Types of Features Used in Different Television Shows specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of the factors considered by the television stations before setting up shows include the time when the shows will be aired. Different times of the day attract different types of viewers. Other factors that the television stations consider include the setup of the studios or the show rooms, the characters that will participate in the shows and the kinds of languages to be used in the shows. The purpose of this study is to generally analyze the types of features used in different television shows. The study will also highlight the relevance of the physical set up of a show room in regard to the image the show wants to portray to its audience. The study will also examine the use of language in different television shows. Comparing and contrasting the Power Breakfast Show with Tyra Bank’s Show Power Breakfast is a talk show. It is hosted by a local national television station. It is aired live every morning from Monday to Friday starting from 6.00a.m to 6.00p.m. It is hosted by two presenters. The dress code of the presenters is formal. The background color of the show room is dark orange, with a light orange shade effect on the two corners of each wall. These color combinations bring about warm and smooth effects in the show room. On one of the walls is the show’s logo which is a mug of hot coffee placed on a saucer with a spoon beside it. Next to the logo are some decorations which comprise three stripes of different colors which are light yellow, dark red and brown. The said colors are well blended to form a beautiful background of the tea mug. Other physical things found in the showroom are two brown executive leather sofa sets and a coffee table made of glass placed in front of the two seats. The room is well lit with small and executive wall bulbs. The entire floor is covered with a nice brown carpet.Advertising Looking for critical writing on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The show starts with the review of the two most read daily newspapers in the country. The presenters usually perform in depth analyses of the major headlines of the newspapers. After the review, the viewers are asked to participate in an interactive session whose major theme is usually a key issue highlighted by either of the newspapers under analysis. The viewers are requested to respond to the theme by giving their co mments and opinions by way of sending text messages through their mobile phones. Selected comments and opinions of some of the viewers are read out to the general viewers towards the end of the show. The next part of the show is a session between the presenters and guests who are normally politicians. With the anticipated presidential elections, the agendas of the planned shows are usually about the presidential elections. Being a morning show, the interior decorations are valid for the show. The show’s logo says it all. The colors are inviting and welcoming to the viewers. The furniture too is ideal for a morning show as it sets the mood of relaxation. This is quite ideal for the invited guests. This creates a comfortable and conducive environment for the show. The presenters are lively. They officially welcome the guests to the show with warm handshakes. The presenters make short introductory comments about the guests and the topic of the show. The presenters set the direct ion of the show by asking relevant questions to the guests in a systematic way. The guests thank the hosts for the invitation to the program. The guests answer each of the questions asked. At the end of the show, the presenters thank both the viewers and the guests for participating. The guests give some closing remarks and thank the viewers and the hosts. On the other hand, the Tyra Bank’s Show is a national talk show that interviews public figures, celebrities and models. The aim of the show is to bring into the limelight the life styles of newsmakers. The host is dressed in nice casual wear. The show has an audience that is seated in one side of the room and on the other side is the show’s host presenter.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Types of Features Used in Different Television Shows specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is glamorous looking furniture for the host and for the in vited guest. The walls are coated with alluring colors. The floor is fitted with fascinating floor tiles that seem to blend well with the wall colors. The audience is very excited. The host welcomes the guest not only by a warm handshake but also with a hug. As the guest walks into the show room, the audience applauds him. After waving to the audience for a short while, he is invited to take a seat and is offered a drink. The talk show begins by the host welcoming the guest. The guest is then asked to introduce himself to the audience and the viewers by giving them a brief history of his life. The interview continues with the presenter dictating the momentum of the show. At some point, the audience is given a chance to ask the guest a few questions. This is the tricky part of the show for the presenter has to intervene in some of the questions asked. At the end of the show, the presenter thanks the guest, audience and the viewers. The guest is invited to make some closing remarks. T he show ends with the excited audience applauding the host and the guest. The host and the guest are seen walking out of the show room as they wave to the audience. A section of the audience is seen taking photographs of both the host and the guest. From the two television shows, we can deduce that the decorations are quite appropriate for each of the shows. The dress code for the presenters in the two shows is quite ideal in respect to the targeted viewers. Comparing the living rooms of two families in Shriek comedy series Shriek is one of the local children’s comedy series aired every Thursday evening. Dylan and Ryan are characters in Shriek comedy series and come from less affluent families. They live in a ghetto in Harlem. Walter and Joy are also characters in Shriek comedy series. They come from wealthy families and live in an affluent suburb situated next to the ghetto in which Dylan and Ryan live. All these mentioned characters are children. They are friends too. The c urrent show compares the lives of the children from the four families. In one of the scenes, the children from the wealthy families are seen taking sumptuous breakfast while the school buses are hooting at their gates waiting for them at their respective residences.Advertising Looking for critical writing on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In a contrasting scene, the children from the less affluent families are seen complaining that mere slices of bread are not enough for their breakfast. In a short while, Dylan and Ryan are seen walking to school in torn shoes. The living rooms of the less affluent families are multipurpose. The rooms are used for cooking, relaxation and also serve as bedrooms. The seating areas have single, tattered sofa sets and old wooden tables. On the other side of the picture are state of the art living rooms with executive sofa sets, coffee tables, water dispensers and television sets. The furniture portrayed in the two scenes seems to reflect very well the social and economic statuses of the four families. Use of language in two television programs: Cross Fire and Capital Talk Cross Fire is a local television program with five panelists who analyze current political affairs. The host introduces the motion of the day. Being a debate, the debaters engage each other in very heated discussions. T he show is generally characterized by the use of formal language. Capital Talk on the other hand is based on an interview between the host and the guest. The guest may be any individual who has made some significant contribution of any form to the society. Use of language is generally informal. The discussion is usually made in low tones as heated exchanges of words are rare between the host and the guest. The mood of the show in most cases does not change. Reference Barnlund, D. C. (2008). A transactional model of communication. In. C. D. Mortensen (Eds.), Communication theory 2nd ed. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction.
Monday, 21 October 2019
World War I essays
World War I essays It is hard to point out one specific incident that led to World War I but rather it was a culmination of many different events that led to the most catastrophic war of its time. The United States pledged to stay neutral during the war but with great economic investments with the allies the United States found itself involved in exporting billions of dollars worth of provisions to England and France. President Wilson devised a foreign policy to protect America but he could not keep the United States out of the war. By the time the United States entered the war Wilson was already working on his Fourteen Points and League of Nations policies. The events that led to World War I are complex. The origins of the war are still controversial. Germans desire for greater power and influence led to an arms race with Britain. Britain responded by building a more powerful navy. Germany was looking for overseas colonies, which led to clashing with both Britain and France. The Austria-Hungarian Empire had problems with the Balkans especially Serbia. On June 28, 1914 the tensions between Austria-Hungary and Serbia came to a head when a Slavic terrorist group assassinated the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The assassination triggered a chain of events that culminated in the worlds first global war. Europe had divided into two alliances: the Triple Alliance, which included the countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy and the Triple Entente, which consisted of France, Russia and Great Britain. After the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia. Serbia refused the impossible demands Austria-Hungary asked of them. On July 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia, bound by treaty to Serbia, announced its plans to mobilize its army in defense of Serbia. The mobilization of Russias troops would take six weeks. Germany viewed Russia&a...
Sunday, 20 October 2019
10 Fleshy Words
10 Fleshy Words 10 Fleshy Words 10 Fleshy Words By Maeve Maddox Latin words meaning flesh and fleshly (carnis, carnalis), have given English several words, some of which refer to human flesh and some to the flesh of animals. 1. carnage noun: a heap of dead bodies, especially of men killed in battle. The Anglo-Saxon poem â€Å"The Battle of Maldon†describes the carnage that ensues when the local militia confronts Viking raiders. The fates of several Anglo-Saxon warriors are depicted- notably that of Earl Byrhtnoth: he dies valiantly, urging his soldiers forward and commending his soul to God. Carnage is also used in a non-military context to describe the bloody aftermath of any killing event: Firefighters have described the carnage and confusion they found when they arrived on the scene of the Paddington rail crash in which 31 people died. 2. carnal adjective: pertaining to the body. In Medieval Latin, a frater carnalis was a biological brother. In modern usage, carnal refers to the sensual or sexual aspects of the body. The noun is carnality and the adverb is carnally. Detectives charged the 27-year-old with felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile. In religious thought, carnal is the opposite of spiritual. A carnal mind is not necessarily a sinful mind. However, all sin is carnal. A carnal mind is simply a mind that is governed entirely by the senses. 3. carnation adjective: a light rosy pink; noun: a flower, scientific name Dianthus, which may be shades of pink or red. The plural carnations is used as an art term: â€Å"those parts in a painting that represent the naked skin.†Vecelli observed that a colorist ought to manipulate white, black and red, and that the carnations cannot be done in a first painting, but by replicating various tints and mingling the colors. 4. carnelian noun: a flesh-colored, deep red, or reddish-white variety of chalcedony; adjective: of the color of a carnelian. My stepmother was, if rather richly, always plainly dressed, in the sober Quaker mode; almost her only ornament was a large carnelian brooch, set in flowered flat gold. 5. carnival noun: originally, the medieval religious celebration preceding Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The word derives from a phrase meaning â€Å"the putting away of flesh.†In modern usage, a carnival is any season of feasting, revelry, or indulgence. In North American English, a carnival is a fun fair with rides and entertainment booths. 6. carnivore noun: (Latin carnivorus, â€Å"flesh-eating†) A carnivore is an animal that eats only meat. People whose diet includes meat are often jokingly referred to as carnivores, in contrast to vegans and vegetarians. My husband and children are carnivores, and yes, I do prepare their food for them. 7. carnivorous adjective: (Latin carni, â€Å"flesh†+ vorus, â€Å"devouring†) The accent is on the second syllable. Since neither humans nor chimpanzees are truly carnivorous- most traditional human societies eat a diet made up mostly of plant foods- we are considered omnivores. Note: An omnivore feeds on a diet of both plant and animal origin. 8. charnel house noun: (Old French charnel) a house for dead bodies; a house or vault in which the bones of the dead are piled up. Recently in the Orkney Isles in Scotland, a charnel house has revealed more than 1,000 human bones. 9. incarnation noun: the action of incarnating; the fact of being incarnated or â€Å"made flesh†The Incarnation in traditional Christianity is the belief that the second person of the Trinity, also known as God the Son or the Logos (Word), â€Å"became flesh†by being conceived in the womb of Mary. 10. incarnate adjective: clothed or invested with flesh; embodied in flesh; in a human (or animal) bodily form. Until the latter half of the T’ang dynasty, some emperors had even claimed to be the Buddha incarnate. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?Work of Art Titles30 Nautical Expressions
Saturday, 19 October 2019
Plato The simile of the cave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Plato The simile of the cave - Essay Example At the time of its composition, scholars struggled to explain human psychology and the workings of the human mind. A tag of war between empirical psychologists and those that believed in reason led to numerous debates and this composition aims at addressing the situation at hand. The allegory is part of a series of publications, collectively titled The Republic, which address various aspects of human behaviour including; morality and justice. In previous and subsequent publications, the author uses the same style of presentation to explain human behaviour, and his view on various issues affecting human beings. At the time of publishing The Republic, Plato doubled up as a renowned philosopher and mathematician among the Greeks. Plato drew inspiration from other established scholars such as Pythagoras and through his numerous travels to Egypt, Syria, Libya, and Sicily. The main themes in the simile are ignorance and humans, as depicted by the enslaved characters and their understanding of things. The following analysis of the work by Plato aims to explain the analogies purported in the simile, the plot and the elements of literature used by the author. The analysis will go over the plot of the simile to uncover the intended message from the hidden nature in which the author delivers it. The allegory begins with a group of prisoners chained at their hands and necks. They cannot change the direction in which they are facing and are forced to constantly stare at a wall. Behind the prisoners is an elevated wall, and a pathway constructed in such a way that the prisoners cannot see people using the path, but can see shadows of what they are carrying cast upon the wall they are facing. Further behind the pathway is an elevated fire, blazing at a distance such that shadows of the prisoners, as well as elevated goods carried by passers-by, are cast upon the wall in front of the prisoners. The narrative
Friday, 18 October 2019
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Essay Example This process caused great population loss for Africa, and many died before boarding the ships, making the situation worse. Ghana was chosen as the headquarters for the African slave trade. The Trans-Atlantic slave created great impacts on Africa as well as on the social life of people. Even though slavery existed in Africa before the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, it was not been so intensive and flourishing. No African origin was ever as prominent slaveholders as they later became. It had altered the societal structure of the country and capturing and selling of slaves across the Atlantic boosted up and stimulated the expansion of slavery within Africa. And the system of slavery became the central element to societies all across the African continent. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade sooner or later changed the American slavery in some of its unique several elements. America was not at war with any of the nations like Ireland, or China, but had compensated several wars with the Native Am ericans, for the natives made poor slaves. African slaves were forcefully brought to America and were kept against their will. However, they wanted to become a part of the nation â€Å"America†but were denied the option to enjoy their full rights and freedom within America. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade moreover, changed the social structure of America and had a great impact on its development. 2. Enlightenment was one of the important ideas of European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries. This principle holds ideas relating to God, reason, man, and nature synthesizing all into an all-inclusive atmosphere, which gained a wide acclamation and assent. The intellectual movement had initiated innovative development in the areas of art, politics, and philosophy. The central point of Enlightenment idea was the utilization and exploitation of reason, the power which enables man to recognize the universe and his own condition. The fundamental objectives of rational man were considered to be freedom, knowledge, and happiness. The Enlightenment movement was the great revolt against inherited intellectual authority, both classical and Christian alike that passed across Europe during the eighteenth century (Voltaire, XIV). The roots of the thought can be traced back fro the intrepid thinkers from the middle of the former century. The prominent figures among them were later called the Scientific Revolutionists, like Galileo Galilee, William Harvey, and Isaac Newton, and also the philosophers such as Rene Descartes, Benedict de Spinoza and Gottfried Leibniz (Voltaire, XIV). The Enlightenment at first instance was used by the French Thinkers to translate and popularize the thoughts of their more advanced Dutch and English predecessors. These concepts did not even formulate a single coherent until the Enlightenment reached its final stage of its development. By the middle of the century, the rough consensus about the idea among the major contributors lightened, and major themes of the intellectual movement started to influence the European society. The foremost themes and ideas of the movement, which had an impact on the European social life were.
Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Financial Reporting - Essay Example Each major purpose of accounting often requires a different way of presenting or reporting the information in the accounting system. In this scenario, it may be emphasized that it is a vicious circle in that there are managers in organizations who affect accounting and such accounting in turn affects people's behaviour. The impact of accounting reports on the decision making behaviour of business, government and creditors is termed as the 'economic consequences' and the world has seen the worst of such consequences because of the bad reporting as in the case of 'Enron Corporation'. It may also be observed that such external reporting had given rise to the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial and non-financial statements. Several arguments have been flowing around about the very purpose behind the merits and demerits of such consolidated statements. In this context, this paper attempts to draw an overall picture of the position of the consolidated statements in relat ion to decision making by the stakeholders vis--vis the presence of the consolidated statements as a deterrent factor to have a clear understanding of the decision making process. "Management wealth, it is argued, is a function of changes in share prices (via stocks and stock options), and changes in cash bonuses (via compensation plans). Ordinarily, managers are predicted to have greater incentives to lobby for accounting standards that lead to increases in reported earnings and thereby management wealth." (Markus J. Milne) It is more than normal that managers indulge in enhancing the reported earnings to strengthen their positions in the organizations higher echelons. Positive Accounting Theory studies the manager's accounting policy choices as part of the overall process of corporate governance. Under this theory Positive rather than Normative accounting policies are chosen strategically. 3.0 REASONS FOR FIRMS TO ADOPT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORTING: This part of the paper analyses the various reasons why a firm may decide to resort to consolidated financial reporting. The decision may be partly due to the statuary obligations placed on the firm and partly on the managers' decision to go with the publication of consolidated statements. Statutory Regulations as a reason for publication of consolidated financial statements: Earlier studies (Whittred 1986, 1987, 1988) concluded that the regulations did not have much impact for the firms to resort to consolidated financial statements, whereas the contracting cost variables were the major determinant for publication of consolidated statements. However later it turned out that Regulations did play a major role in compelling the firms to adopt publication of consolidated financial statements. "The introduction of tax legislation permitting the presentation of consolidated returns seems to have been a significant factor in widening the profession's awareness of
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Capital punishment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Capital punishment - Research Paper Example Advocates of death penalty argue that it should be given to hardcore criminals in order to reduce or control crime rates in a country whereas critics believe that death penalty should be avoided in all circumstances, as it is not a proper mean to punish criminals in a civilized world like ours. This paper analyses various dimensions of death penalty in detail. One of the major arguments against capital punishment is that â€Å"it never allows a criminal to change his behavior as in the case of other forms of punishments†(Kartha). It should be noted that the character of a human can be changed as time goes on. Nobody will get a second chance to live or correct his mistakes once he has been given capital punishment. Life is the most precious thing in this world and it should be honored and respected as much as possible. Even after huge developments, in science and technology, the secrets behind life are still unknown to us. Only the creator knows the secrets of his creations. U nder these circumstances, critics of death penalty argue that killing of a criminal may not be the suitable way of punishment. In their opinion, both the criminal and the criminal justice system do the same thing while declaring capital punishment to a criminal. ... One of the major core principles of the criminal justice system is that no innocent person should be punished even if thousands of criminals escaped. However, these principles are often been violated by the courts. Nobody can guarantee that court procedures are free of errors. Humans can commit mistakes. If that is true, courts controlled by human elements can also commit mistakes. It should be noted that after taking a life, nobody can return it once the offenders realize their mistakes. The above principle is true in the case of courts also. According to Kantian ethical theories, â€Å"even a person guilty of murder is to be treated with a certain sort of dignity, because even the murderer is still a person -- still an end in himself†(Stairs). If capital punishment is unethical and illegal, the question, how hardcore criminals should be handled or punished, is relevant. Nobody can assure that criminals such as Osama Bin Laden may change their behavior over a period of time. If they were released from jails, they may continue their criminal behavior and innocent civilians may lose their lives again. Under these circumstances, supporters of capital punishment argue that hardcore criminals should be executed with immediate effect in order to save the lives of others. In their opinion, a criminal who is responsible for killing innocent people does not have the right to live in this world. â€Å"It is said that when a criminal is given a capital punishment, it dissuades others in the society from committing such serious crimes. They would refrain from such crimes due to fear of losing their lives†( Kartha). In the absence of severe punishments such as capital punishment, the motivation for criminal activities may increase
Traditional vs modern makes the diffrences Essay
Traditional vs modern makes the diffrences - Essay Example The import of this is that while the traditional forms of advertising were more localized, because of the use of then conventional forms media, the latter become more global in scope and approach, because of the use of the World Wide Web. An example of traditional form of advertisement for Burger King Products is Have It Your Way: Make It a Whopper, dated in 1976. The picture is attached here below, and can be traced back to http://www.grayflannelsuit.net/blog/retrotisements-burger-king-76 An example of modern form of advertisement for Burger King Products is, It Just Tastes Better, It’ll Blow Your Mind Away: BK Super Seven Incher, dated in 2009. The picture is attached here below, and can be traced back to http://www.examiner.com/article/burger-king-oral-sex-ad One can clearly see that there is a world of difference between traditional and modern form of advertising. The difference between the two is underpinned by a radical shift in social values, not just in America, but throughout the entire globe also. The shift in social values involves a departure from conventional and familial values to values that are more liberal. With the embracing of liberal values, there is the use of raunchy culture and individualism as a way of appealing to the market [through advertising]. This is in diametrical opposition to the traditional form of advertising which appealed more to family and social values than parochialism and hedonism. It is noteworthy that the radical shift in values is also evident in the pieces of advertisement that have been availed above. In the first case (Have It Your Way: Make It a Whopper), there is an appeal to more collective values than individual interests. Burger King managed to do this by portraying its products [burgers, beverage and fries] as things to be enjoyed by the entire family. The family is portrayed as joyous when taking Burger King food, in the comfort of its
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Electronic Channels Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Electronic Channels - Assignment Example Most often this comes as a contrary expectation to any commercial entity. Since the electronic channels allow the consumers to carry out their transactions from most convenient locations, they eventually affect the role of retailing traders. Even when the electronic retailing mode is scaled against other methods, it contributes to a very minor percentage of the total retailing outputs. This however is bound to change with the advent of ever changing scale of globalization. It is expected to shoot higher in the near future when electronic means shall be inevitable to institutions and corporations (Lechner & Hummel, 2002). Some products are more appropriate for electronic channels. This is largely determined by the market trends and behavior. For instance, some factors like public perception on the channel fundamentally contribute to this preference. Moreover, other factors like the effort inputted by the market segment, time that the commodity takes to be delivered and intentions by consumers to search for prices, all count (Lechner & Hummel, 2002). There are some products inappropriate for electronic channels. Examples of such include experience goods. These are goods that one has to assess based on their tastes and preference for them. For example, a brand of wine can only be assessed once one has had a taste, but not by online inquiry (Lechner & Hummel, 2002). Lechner, U. & Hummel, J. (2002). Business models and system architectures of virtual communities: from a sociological phenomenon to peer-to-peer architectures. International Journal of Electronic Commerce , 41-53. Soon, A. & Luis, F. (2012). Social Media in Governmnent- Selections from the 12th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research(dg2011). Journal of Information Technology Management, Policies, and Practices ,
Traditional vs modern makes the diffrences Essay
Traditional vs modern makes the diffrences - Essay Example The import of this is that while the traditional forms of advertising were more localized, because of the use of then conventional forms media, the latter become more global in scope and approach, because of the use of the World Wide Web. An example of traditional form of advertisement for Burger King Products is Have It Your Way: Make It a Whopper, dated in 1976. The picture is attached here below, and can be traced back to http://www.grayflannelsuit.net/blog/retrotisements-burger-king-76 An example of modern form of advertisement for Burger King Products is, It Just Tastes Better, It’ll Blow Your Mind Away: BK Super Seven Incher, dated in 2009. The picture is attached here below, and can be traced back to http://www.examiner.com/article/burger-king-oral-sex-ad One can clearly see that there is a world of difference between traditional and modern form of advertising. The difference between the two is underpinned by a radical shift in social values, not just in America, but throughout the entire globe also. The shift in social values involves a departure from conventional and familial values to values that are more liberal. With the embracing of liberal values, there is the use of raunchy culture and individualism as a way of appealing to the market [through advertising]. This is in diametrical opposition to the traditional form of advertising which appealed more to family and social values than parochialism and hedonism. It is noteworthy that the radical shift in values is also evident in the pieces of advertisement that have been availed above. In the first case (Have It Your Way: Make It a Whopper), there is an appeal to more collective values than individual interests. Burger King managed to do this by portraying its products [burgers, beverage and fries] as things to be enjoyed by the entire family. The family is portrayed as joyous when taking Burger King food, in the comfort of its
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