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Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Week 5 discussion questions and participation Essay
Week 5 discussion questions and participation - Essay ExampleThe trail method ignores any(prenominal) other service departments when allocating service speak to to production departments. The step down method is different because it recognizes that in some service departments support the activities in other service departments as well as the producing department. The direct method is simpler for accountants to calculate the costs since there are less variables involved. The step down method uses a sequence of service department allocation to arrive at the different costs.In the business domain of a function accountants prepare information differently depending on the purpose. Managerial accounting focuses on providing information for internal purposes. fiscal accounting on the other hand focuses in reservation reports for external users of information. Variable cost placement monitors changes in costs that occurred on a daily basis. This helps managers in their day to day decis ion making process. Data and information that is presented to outside users must summarize the results of a period of time. External users are non concerned about the day to day operations of the enterprise.Cost distortions are a potential conundrum that can lead to many obstacles for a manager. If the costing system of rules is not accurate the managers will view erroneous assumptions that can lead to business errors. For example imagine if a company had a costing system that stated that each unit cost $2.00 to produce. The costing system was distorted and the real cost of the product is $3.05. The made a decision to sell the product at $3.00 which a price that is 50% above cost based on the inaccurate costing system. The manager would lose $0.05 on all(prenominal) sale instead of making a $1.00 profit.If the company is able to develop a costing system that provides a lot of detail the decision seems like a good idea. The manager of that company has to construe if the benefit s of maintaining the system outweigh the costs of
Monday, 29 April 2019
Piety and Impiety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Piety and Impiety - Essay ExampleThis meant he was more likely to face the consequences of his actions as those against him yielded the power to prosecute him. According to Platos (Socrates close friend) account, Socrates prosecution was masterminded by Anytus, a leading democrat. In the years before Socrates trial, the Tyrants had manoeuvren over Athens, these were lead by Critias, a former pupil of Socrates (Brickhouse and metalworker 26). Many of the Athenians who supported the democrats and the democrats who were overthrown by the tyrants viewed Criatias actions as emanating from Socrates teachings. The fact that Critias made it clear that he had cast forth the follies of his youth, such as education, did not change the Athenians view of Socrates role in the growth of the tyrants. Soon after, the Tyrants were replaced by the democrats. As a sign of reconciliation and a means of healing the wounds of the civil war Socrates sensed role was sidestepped. However, Anytus who was a leading voice among the democrats was not as forgiving. His actions were not only a solving of the civil war but were mostly personal as his son was a keen associate of Socrates teachings. ... The first of these charges was impiety. Under impiety, Socrates was accused of believing in multiple gods of which the state never believed in. In extension, he failed to seek divine explanations and instead sought natural explanation for natural phenomenon. The second charge was that he corrupted the younker, as part of the charge Socrates was accused of invoking a spirit of criticism among the youth (Fagan and john 121). As part of his regular teachings Socrates received great audience from the youth across all genial groups in Athens, he critically evaluated prominent individuals in the marketplace. In his cross-examination of prominent people such as poets, artisans, and statesmen Socrates often dismissed them as lacking in knowledge and believing to know more than they very did (Bri ckhouse and Smith 26). It is his ability to criticize those in power that he struck a code with the young and this had a profound effect among them. As stated, Socrates trial was a result of witch hunting and a bulk of what Socrates was accused of was a misrepresentation or misinterpretation of his engagements in Athens. According to the Athenians, piety was a representation of several engagements. Key among these was respect for the gods, the dead and the ancestors. They believed that any impious person was only attracting the angriness of the gods and the entire society would suffer in return, mainly through plague and sterility. Impiety charge was so a serious charge among the Athenians. Because Socrates was a critique of existent practice it is possible that any of his run-in or actions would have translated to an impiety charge. A keen follower of moral instructions, Socrates may have failed to take part in significant religious festivals. Further, he attracted
Sunday, 28 April 2019
The Greatest Failure of the Current Wave of Financial Globalisation Essay
The Greatest adversity of the Current Wave of Financial globalisation - Essay ExampleThose countries that are able to integrate with the environmental changes will be experiencing more economic growth while others will be experiencing the economic recession. Globalisation has resulted from many years of human inventions and technological improvement. It pertains to the integration of economic activities all oer the world finished endless trading of products and services as well as the exchanging of cash flows. Sometimes, globalization relates to the constant front of technology and business people including the skilled and unskilled workers. Even intangible thing such as knowledge and skills are also being transferred from one country to another. During globalization, the local and international markets are promoting efficacy because of the tight competition worldwide. Even the workforces have to become more competitive and flexible so they could notice up with their job. The g lobal markets open a wider opportunity for these people to tap into larger markets all over the world. The global business cycle that we are dealing today is actually creating huge imbalances between UKs cash inflow and outflows. As globalization continuous, the global financial trend also changes. These changes will in the end be considered as one of the greatest failure of the current financial trend due to globalization. The execution of international trade on a countrys economy can be examined and heedful by looking at the changes in the ratio of international trade, the come export plus the total imports to the output of GDP of an economy. According to Dollar and Kraay (2001), globalization reduces poverty.
Saturday, 27 April 2019
Life Savers Soda - Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words
Life Savers Soda - Marketing Plan - Essay ExampleThe form entails hiring several food experts and a select few to criticize and offer suggestions that get out improve the predilection of the familys beverage product.Price. The high society testament allot the Life Savers Soda products at sightly prices (Gitman 295). The reasonable price does not necessarily mean the lowest price. The company will sell the prices at $ 1.0 lower than the top selling brand in the market. The low price will ensure motiveless encroachment into the competitors current market share.Place. The company will sell the products at a place that current and future customers can easily reach (Jooste 4). The products will be sold at grocery stores and other retail outlets. Initially, the products will be pilot-tested in the grocery stores and malls in Los Angeles, atomic number 20. With the high population, the in that respect is a projected high demand for the companys life savers Soda products.Promotion . The company will advertise the products in the four media outlets. The company will advertise the many health invigorating benefits of boozing one Life Savers Soda a day. Likewise, the company will advertise the advantages of drinking the products vitamins and mineral increases. The company will advertise the products benefits in one radio station. The company will also advertise the health uses of the product in one television spot. The Company will send its promo sales persons to distribute leaflets or flyers to people visiting the mall and grocery entrance doors. The company will set up a website, www.lifesaverssoda.com or one of similar importance, to generate online revenues. After the terzetto month Los Angeles pilot project, the company will replicate the same marketing plan within the California state. When the product sales figure is high enough to generate enough profits, the company will sell the product to all 50 states of our nation.Sports Promotion. The company
Friday, 26 April 2019
Emerging markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Emerging markets - Essay slipCountries globally be growing by encouraging foreign direct investments (FDI). They are doing this in army to increase their economic strength and move forward economically. Emerging markets have developed in heterogeneous countries especially create countries. Emerging markets attract FDI based on the mode of the economy in name of development, political and market share. This paper explains foreign direct investment (FDI) in emerging markets and foc characters in mainland China as one of the emerging markets encouraging FDI. Justification of the Topic Foreign direct investment (FDI) in emerging markets is chosen as the topic of study in this article. FDI relates to an investment done by a firm in a foreign country. The foreign firm does the investment for creation of commodities. FDI is encouraged by the availability of factors of production, markets share and flexibility of economy. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is taken to by the big firms t o the developing countries mostly the emerging economies. This is seen as a change from the previous act whereby most firms in developing countries were investing in their own countries. The rise of foreign direct investments on emerging markets has been increasing since 1980. The equivalent factors noted above increases the rate of FDI in emerging markets. ... Resmini (2000) adds that increasing FDI has been seen in the developing countries. The idea is support by various factors including the cost of labour, political stability, stable financial institutions and stable economies in the host countries. The agent explains further that investors have been able to view and analyze the above mentioned factors to conduct investments in emerging markets. some(a) of the emerging markets have not been exploited because of the countries political instability, poor financial regulations and weak development shown by workers. FDI on emerging markets has also be supported by the changes in v arious countries whereby the investors have are able to acquire state owned items, which has been happening in various countries especially Asian and Latin American countries. The fact is that the investors in the above mentioned countries are able to obtain the assets because of financial crises which have tardily hit the countries. Furthermore, the inventors in those markets are encouraged by cheap and available labour. Despite the search of soaked financial institutions and stable economies by the investors in emerging markets, most of the emerging markets have got the above disadvantages as compared to developed countries. FDI investing in the emerging markets are not the same with the FDI in developed countries. They use different strategies to counter the difficulties in the developing countries to increase their investments. One of the strategies is the provision of lower wages to the workers since they are operating in unstable economies. Emerging markets are currently the sources to the growth of most countries economies. This can be evidenced from the current growth seen in countries like China, Brazil, South
Thursday, 25 April 2019
Advanced Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Advanced marketing - Essay ExampleMcDonalds is an exemplary example of expertly exploiting the changing demands of the public and now includes healthy intellectual nourishment with salads, fruits and energy drinks in its menu.This helps the organizations to effectively meet the needs of the individual segments of the masses and thereby develop much than lasting relationship with its customers. Tesco extensively use the database to customize their service and win trust of their customers.The database of customer as well promotes in identifying the products that have niche market position and thereby helps to promote brand creation to oppose its position. Levis, LOreal, Gucci etc. are major brands whose major strength is value positioning.It helps to gauge the flow of customers at different times of the day and helps in sales forecast. They can ensure inventory of products that are more in demand. Samsung extensively uses the customer database to manufacture its products as per t he sales demand so that they can tot up up with new value added products without incurring loss on huge unsold
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Market Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
grocery envision - Assignment ExampleClearly these figures when taken in context with the vast market available for hot growing and mellisonant bring out herb are indicative of the fact that the market is far from strength and can be exploited by utilize a clear and concise marketing dodging which combines the individual companies which import their herbs with the cost saving potential of exposing those companies to fresh grown and fresh turn up herbs indoors our region.Within Europe altogether, there are thousands of hectares that are strongly committed to the work of organic herbs. This is unremarkably d wiz collaboratively with marketing collectives as come up as a co-op of processing plants. Within the UK alone there are only a few hundreds of these arrangements. Additionally, there are very few productions in place. The statistics indicate that there is a burgeoning market for individual companies which produce both fresh growing and fresh cut herbs. In within the U K there were nine hundred and thirty-five (935) stores selling fresh cut herbs and eight hundred and eighty-one stores selling fresh grown herbs during the time period of 1 November 2004 and 31 October 2005. These figures represent a total sale of 22,532,730 units annually, total revenue of 14,343,372, 4,433,970 customers served annually and a customer cleverness of 26.05%. In the demographic region of East of England, there were only eighty-seven (87) stores selling fresh cut and fresh growing herbs combined. These stores sell 2,521,410 units with a total of 1,643,243 being generated from their sale. The customer penetration within this sphere of influence is a mere 22.58%. Clearly the market for herbal products exists and there is a dire need for production systems as much of the production is done externally and the products are imported. Additionally, there has been a growth in the number of consumers who rely on medicinal herbs as well as herbs utilise for carcass awe and hygienic needs. This has prompted an increase in the number of organic farmers and growers. Even in light of this, the market body very far from saturation. As a commercial organic herb production company, Canfield Farm saucy Herbs Ltd is in a unique position of being one of the very few companies to utilize horticultural advances as a means of establishing a brand that surpasses much of the industry standards. Organic Herbal Market SectorsCurrently there are six distinctive sectors within the organic herbal market. These sectors include culinary, cosmetics and body care, health care/medicinal, veterinary, transplant and seed. The culinary sector includes pot grown and fresh cut herbs utilized by restaurants, food processing enterprises as well as hotels. The cosmetics and body care industry represents one of the fastest growing segments of the organic herbal market. In this sector herbs are sold as teetotal leaves or roots, essential oils, creams, lotions, bath oil and the like. Within the health care/medicinal sector, herbs are predominantly utilized in the form of dried leaves, fruits, roots, flowers and seeds. They are utilized by traditional herbalists as well as other consumers as an alternative to non-organic medicinal treatment. The veterinary segment represents a very grim but potentially lucrative segment. The organic herbs within this segment
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
Modern Presidents and their Policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Modern Presidents and their Policies - Essay ExampleAs prominent a plan the modern Deal seems to be, its constitutionality was challenged in the Supreme Court. Initially, it was deemed unconstitutional. The role of the government is limited, to prevent it from get a totalitarian or dictatorship. Part of the limited powers includes that governments interference in businesses be as token(prenominal) as possible. However, the New Deal was a plan proposed in need to combat the wide Depression. It was when Roosevelt jeopardize to increase the number of Judges on the Supreme Court that the Supreme Court reversed its finding and granted the New Deal constitutional.The New Deal had three components direct relief, economic recuperation, and financial rejuvenate (Keith, et al 289). The direct relief component was aimed toward the approximately one-third of the population that was hardest hit by the Great Depression. The economic recovery component was designed to restore and stabilize the economy overall. Lastly, the reform component was to diddle about changes that would correct the instability of the market that was caused by the Depression.As part of the direct relief, many programs were created. ... many another(prenominal) of the major economists praised these work relief programs, calling them, appropriate responses to the critical situation (Keith, et al 658). The economic recovery can in part be seen in almost all aspects of the programs. The financial reform, however, was specific in programs such as the National Recovery tribunal, the regulation of Wall Street, the Agricultural Adjustment Act bring out programs, the insurance of bank deposits (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 1933) and the Wagner Act which encouraged elbow grease unions (Keith, et al 658).Overall, the New Deal had successes and failures. For example, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation re found the American faith in banks. The CWA, Civil industrial plant Administration , had about four million workers, which of course was a great success. Some of the programs were even designed for minorities, corresponding the Indian Reorganization Act which proved to have a positive outcome for the Native Americans. unrivaled of the best programs was probably the one designed for decreasing unemployment, known as the Works Progress Administration (WPA) (Keith, et al 709). The WPA provided work for approximately eight million Americans. Their projects included mostly construction and repairing of schools, hospitals, and the like. Aside from achieving programs sanctified to economic reforms, the New Deal passed a law, Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 that banned child labor and set a minimum wage (Keith, et al 708). The New Deal did indeed have a lot of successes. However, there were a few limited failures as well. For instance, the Social Security Act was established to provide pensions for workers in old age, benefits to victims of industrial accident, unempl oyment
Monday, 22 April 2019
Critically analyze how successful the British government's use of Essay - 1
Critically analyze how successful the British governments use of Spending Reviews has been as a way of making government more - Essay standardFrom the chart it is evident that in the past governments total expenditure persistently exceeded, ofttimes to a great extent, public sector revenues, forcing it to resort to borrowings. This situation is necessarily a temporary measure, because lengthen reliance on increasing takes of borrowing increases the default risk to the firm or the government. To ensure a sustainable financial approach, it is therefore important to affirm expenditures, for which an effective and responsive consumption assessment sue must be adopted. SRs and PES How the SR system comp ars to the old PES system Before 1992, the level of government spending was ascertained through what ar called annual Public Expenditure Surveys (PESs). The approach was fragmentize and piecemeal because the Treasury negotiated bi posteriorally with each department. This prevented the government from developing a strategic outlook on the overall level of public spending and the balance or prioritization among its components. Another element that the PES was unavailing to do was to account for cyclicities among spending that is, it does not distinguish which spending is cyclical and which is non-cyclical. This caused the total spending to kowtow up. ... s by lengthening the duration between PESs to lead years, managing aggregate public spending in a top-down approach by specifying a control total (i.e., governments total planned spending), and distinguishing between DELs (departmental expenditure limits) and AMEs (annually managed expenditures). DELs cover those expenditures which government argues can be controlled, while AMEs are expenditures driven by demand which the government cannot effectively plan for, such as social shelter payments, debt interest, and the spending by local authorities. The Labour government came into power in 1997, and a year lat er the control totals system was replaced with a system that required departmental spending to be fixed for three years in Spending Review (SRs). There had been five such spending reviews, shown in the succeeding(a) diagram. Before each SR, the Economic and Fiscal Strategy Report determines the Total Managed Expenditure (TME), which is the expenditure by the entire public sector and derived from the National Accounts. It is the TME which is divided into the two components earlier described, the DELs and the AME, and the DELs are thereafter allocated by departments. Both the DEL and the AME are divided each into capital spending, or spending that increases the public sectors fixed assets, and resource spending which is spending on everything else. The Labour government criticized the control total system of budgeting under the 1992 framework as preventing departments from efficiently spending and investing money, based on the following reasons (1) The control totals over three year s is of an indicative nature that is, control totals for the second and third years are only advisory in nature, and may be, as they have often been, increased when felt
Revolutionaries and Freemasonry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Revolutionaries and Freemasonry - Research stem ExampleIt often calls itself a strange system of ethics covered in allegory and demonstrate by symbols (Word IQ.com, 2010).As King (1998) asserts, freemasonry is the worlds oldest and leading system. Its customs look back to most basic history. Masonry in its existing structure appeared when the inhabitants of London, England perceived its public incidents in 1717. Although masonry, mainly in its initial days had almost aspects of confidentiality, the first publicity of the evidently highly confidential masonic ceremony essentially emerged in 1696. Tens of thousands of books has been promulgated about this secret organization since then. In spite of the good works done by its members, Freemasonry has repeatedly suffered the slings and arrows of those who seek to use its silent nature in opposition to it for over three hundred years. Freemasonrys strange principle is to make good work force better and its bonds of friendship, kindnes s and brotherly love have survived in time the most divisive political, military and religious conflicts through the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum nor a come of worship. It is not a religion nor does it teach a religious philosophy. For almost three hundred years, it has attracted men of high moral character who support the doctrine of self-control, resilience, caution and justice.Great thinkers and revolutionaries were highly influenced by the Masonic dogma and activities. It is asserted that advancing in time from 1789, enormous revolutions were led by Freemasons Simon Bolivar, Jos de San Martin and Bernardo OHiggins in South America Vicente Guerrero, and later Benito Juarez, in Mexico Jos Marti in Cuba, Jos Rizal in the Philippines, and Giuseppe Garibaldi in Italy. Most remarkably, the Texans who rebelled against the government of Mexico, and fought a triumphant war of secession, were mainly masons, and certainly, all the presidents and vice-presidents of the Republ ic of Texas were masons too
Sunday, 21 April 2019
Using more community service combined with probation we can eliminate Research Paper
Using more community service combined with probation we can go through the wiped out(p) windows theory - Research Paper ExampleThis may be a key insurance issue for city management, which may be forced to weigh their options in an attempt to reach at the most effective method of dealing with villainy. Would using more community service accompanied with probation usher effective in eliminating the broken windows theory? Does disorder actually fan out in the neighbourhoods? Previous enquiry has not offered a strong empirical support so far, and it is difficult to define what constitutes disorder, what may get to its spread or which may be the most effective means of curbing disorder and crime (Har judicature, 2001).Using hypotheses generated about the systems of combating disorder and crime, we tested the hypotheses in a different field experiments. We found that when an wrongdoer was sentenced to more hours of community service and/or probation, people who observed them were le ss likely to indulge in violation of other rules or norms that may cause the disorder to spread, thus the theory of broken windows is eliminated. equity enforcement agencies guide in the past adopted community service and probation as effective methods of reducing recidivism among offenders and management of offenders in the community. Community service is a form of alternative sentencing by courts in which individuals convicted of crimes are make to take part in compulsory unpaid work that is intended to be of social value, in place of serving a prison sentence, other sanctions and judicial remedies such as fines or incarceration. For instance, the court may reduce or write off offenders prison terms in exchange for a specified number of hours of community service, which the convict may be allowed to choose after which it is documented by credible agencies like NGOs. The sentencing may or sotimes be specifically targeted to the offenders crime. 4 sometimes community service may be accompanied by probation-a court ordered sanction that permits an offender to stay free from detention subject to a prescribed period of proper behavior at a lower place the supervision of a probation officer. The types of supervision vary and include intensive, home detention, GPS monitoring, informal, standard or unsupervised probation. 4 2.Literature review 4 3.1 Introduction 4 Studies and available literature on community service and probation have stressed the significant role of developing effective and concrete strategies of eliminating the broken windows theory. This chapter will put in front what is already known regarding the use of community service accompanied with probation to eradicate the spread of disorder as proposed by the broken windows theory. We examine the core principles of effective community service and probation putting into account some of the research questions advanced in the introductory chapters- how effective is a community service and probation in eliminating the broken windows theory? There is plenty of research is available on what is considered to be effective in tackling the spread of disorder. Essentially, there is an abundance of research focusing on a collection of approaches deemed to possess the most electric shock on convicts in helping them minimize or desist from more criminal behavior. In addition, this ingredient also analyzes the approaches and community work skills commonly employed by probation officers, and also consider the
Saturday, 20 April 2019
Discuss the regulation of gene expression in HIV and the life cycle, Essay
Discuss the regulation of divisor expression in mankind immunodeficiency computer virus and the life cycle, and comment on the importance of these in the success - Essay ExampleMemory accessory cells are differentially infected by the virus. The virus binds to the target cell using interactions between viral surface proteins (gp120) and cell surface proteins. The CD4 antigen, and the CXCR4 and CCR5 co-receptors on the host cell membrane are crucial in mediating viral entry into the cell. The interaction allows the viral and cellular membranes to fuse, so that the viral contents, including RNA and viral enzymes, write in code the host cell. The viral capsid then uncoats and disassembles to release the 2 viral RNA strands, which are employ to make complementary desoxyribonucleic acid by the viral enzyme reverse transcriptase. The virus cDNA is transported to the nucleus, where the viral integrase enzyme incorporates viral DNA into the host DNA, forming the provirus. The viral DNA genome remains latent in the cell for many years, as long as the T cell is quescent. The duration of latency is indefinite and varies based on the familial makeup of the individual. When the T cell becomes activated by cytokines to go for out the immune response, the human immunodeficiency virus provirus likewise becomes activated and starts transcription, leading to the formation of new viral particles (Moore and Stevenson, 2000). Regulation of ingredient expression of HIV The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets immune cells, specifically T helper cells, macrophages and dendritic cells. Upon entering the host immune cell, the virus RNA undergoes reverse transcription to form complementary DNA, which is then compound into the host genome. The viral DNA genome remains latent in the cell for many years. When the T cell is activated by cytokines to carry out the immune response, the HIV provirus also becomes activated and starts transcription, leading to the formation of new viral particles. Specifically, cytokines and antigens relieve oneself activation of NF-kB, which is a transcription factor that goes to the T cell nucleus and up-regulates the synthesis of pro-inflammatory proteins. The incorporated HIV genome also contains a site that can receive NF-kB and in response activate the gene promoter. Thus, the regulation of expression of HIV genes depends at least in part, on the activity state of the infected T cell, and transcription of HIV genes is regulated by cellular transcription factors (Robbin and Cotran, 2009). The genome of HIV contains codes for at least nine viral proteins. The structural proteins include Gag, Pol, and Env. The accessory proteins are Vpu, Vpr, Vif, and Nef. The regulatory proteinsare Tat and Rev, and they control the return key of the virus (Hope and Trono, 2000).The early genes are Tat, Rev, and Nef, and the rest are expressed late. The Tat protein is a transcriptional activator necessary for HIV replication. It promote s the elongation phase of HIVs transcription, so that full-length, functional transcripts of the genome are produced. Rev is an RNA grooming protein that acts post-transcriptionally to induce the transition from the early to the late, cytopathic phase of HIV gene expression (Cullen, 1991). It facilitates the export of unspliced and incompletely spliced viral RNAs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, which permits the production of viral late genes so that all the proteins for the full virion can be transcribed. How gene expression regulation and life cycle contribute to the success of HIV as a pathogen HIV-1 as a pathogen is found all over the world today, while HIV-2 is restricted to
Friday, 19 April 2019
Global Human Resource Management in the Aviation Industry Research Paper
Global Human Resource centering in the Aviation Industry - Research Paper ExampleAirline leaders and managers must queue up their direction practices especially HRM with the rapidly changing business environment.With most accidents in the strain manufacturing occurring cod to human error, special training programs that reduce human error and increase the effectiveness of employees in the industry such as flight crew attendants, aviation engineers and pilots. HRM should focus on crew management programs that repair operational performance, situational awareness and decision-making. HRM policies are necessary in designing training programs to enhance the performance and susceptibility of employees in the aviation sector. Most airliners operate in a global environment across incompatible continents. In this regard, managers must adopt global human resource practices in line with the cultures and practices in the single countries of operations. This research examines the HRM st rategies and practices in the aviation industry. It examines the efficient HRM practices necessary to operate in the highly competitive and globalized aviation industry. It investigates the training design programs necessary to avert human errors and improve efficiency among employees in the aviation industry.HRM deals with the management of people within the workplace and creating a favorable employer-employee relationship. Particularly, HRM is concerned with improving the performance of the employees in stray to achieve organizational objectives. HRM is also definitive in improving the satisfaction of both the employees and the clients. HRM is very important in the success of any business such as the aviation industry. In the aviation industry, HRM improves node satisfaction and minimizes the risk of human errors that could be fatal and cause accidents. Durai (2010) elaborates that HRM is wide and contains many factions such as job design and description, employee selection and training. Other divisions of HRM include project appraisal and reward systems.HRM has a
Thursday, 18 April 2019
Wool Trade Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Wool Trade - Research Proposal ExampleA need for food imports to a certain extent was the consequence of this practice.2The industrial revolution is generally viewed as a continuous, self-sustaining process of economic growth with the presence of production and consumption.3 However, there is evidence tip to the point that standards of food consumption of the rural poor has deteriorated to a predominantly bread and cheese viands since the enclosure system took away their pasturage and land.4The occurrence of the Industrial Revolution created an impact contrary to that of agricultural revolution. The industrial Revolution opened the doors for enterprise and industry in which the Enclosure removed the opportunity of the minor man.5 Before the eminence of wool trade, most European countries made cloth for domestic consumption although certain areas produced looms and dyeshops which found a market al over Europe and the Near East.6 With all these scenarios, certain forms of agricul tural organizations detached themselves from the general picture and go on on with the traditional feudal setting. The medieval village continued to be self-sufficing despite the economic variety of the social system and produced the bulk of food.7It was England which was the largest and most imp... This musical composition aims to look at how the First Enclosure act influenced the industrial revolution of the 19th century which guide to an industry that guide to progress. Statement of the ProblemThis tuition seeks to determine how the First Enclosure act influenced the industrial revolution of the 19th century which led to an industry that led to progress. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions1. What are the factors that led to the progress of the wool trade in the 19th century2. How did the wool trade sustain the transformation of the mode of production from self-subsistence to capitalist production3. How did the first enclosure act safeguard the emergence of the industrial revolution of the 19th centurySignificance of the StudyThis study is significant to a number of persons inwardly the same domain as its theme, such as students and future seekers. For the students, it can help them further comprehend the relevance of the wool trade in relation to the bourgeoning of the present trade liberalization policies and practices. For future researchers, this study can serve as a secondary material in their furtherance of a research on the similar subject. Members of the academe can benefit from this study by making it a credit entry material on link subjects. Conceptual ParadigmThe conceptual paradigm of this study operates in the deterrent example below Research MethodsThe methods to be employed in this research are descriptive-qualitative method, diachronic analysis, and case studies. As a qualitative research, the study is concerned with process rater than outcomes or products.9 As a historical research, the historical analysis to be employed is based on the systematic collection and evaluation of data related to past occurrences in
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
Special Education Comprehensive Essay Exam Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Special cultivation Comprehensive Exam - Essay ExampleWithin the context of the stated, one of the primary challenges to inclusion is mental rejection and the attitude of general education teachers. The said challenges are amply evidenced in the case study, whereby dickens of Johns teachers are, to some degree, do not understand why John should be included in their classes, of what thinkable benefit his inclusion could be and how to assess his learning or progress. Needless to say, Johns cognitive, if not motor, impairment has the capability to contribute to the said scepticism. At the same time, Johns volitionness to participate and the obvious enthusiasm he expressed during accounting classes underscore the degree to which inclusion in GE classes has the authorization to constructively contribute to Johns academic development. This potential can only be realized, however, if inclusive values are promoted and Johns teachers organize and deliver instructions.As indicated in t he case study, two of Johns teachers are somewhat opposed to inclusion, these cosmos Mr. Johnson and Mr. Hardy two are ambivalent, these being Mrs. Smith and Ms. Fuquay, in that while they are not opposed to Johns inclusion, do not appear willing to really go out of their way to accommodate him. In fact, apart from Mr. Eagerhart who is working with a special educator and teaching to a primarily special needs group, only Ms. Chang is enthusiastic. The implication here is that across Johns classes, there are varying attitudes towards his inclusion, thereby underscoring the imperatives of promoting inclusive values. The promotion of inclusive values, as will be illustrated through reference to the relevant literature, is predicated on the schools embracing inclusivity. A positive and supportive school ism towards inclusion and students with disabilities is crucial for a prospering inclusion program (Baird, 1990 Emerson & Maddox, 1997 Salisbury et al., 1993 Simpson, Myles & Simpson , 1997 Stainback et al., 1992 Webber, 1997). Thus, a positive classroom climate should be established. A positive classroom climate is one that is accepting of individual differences and promotes the supposition that all students, including students with disabilities, should have the same access to knowledge, growth, achievement, success and belonging (Webber). When teachers and faculty communicate about a student with a disability, he or she should be referred to by name, grade level or survey area without mention of a disability label (Montie et al., 1992).According to Simpson et al. (1997), inclusion programs can be successful only to the extent that they foster an educational environment in which students with disabilities are socially integrated and fuck acceptance. However, they
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Research countering the student-teacher ratio effect Essay Example for Free
Research countering the scholarly person-t severallyer symmetry effect EssayGraddy and Steven (2005) examines several(prenominal) studies of secondary check cognitive processs throughout the U. K. and concluded that there is little to no effect of the disciple-teacher ratio on the motion of bookmans. Borland, Howsen Trawick (2005) also found no noniceable connection between student achievement and every reduced or enlarged division sizings. The Congressional Budget Office presented proves and analysis of 1986 SAT wads. digest revealed a relationship between student performance and student-teacher ratios.Lower student-teacher ratios were consistent with lower SAT scores (as cited in Hanushek, 2000). School size, which is another important consideration that also affects the student-teacher ratio, does not demonstrate an effect on student performance either, according to Lamdin (1995). There is also very little long-term effect of student-teacher ratio on student perf ormance and lifelong achievement. Though Vignoles (1998) found a slight correlation between student-teacher ratio and student performance on O Levels exams in the United Kingdom, the observed effect was so small as to be in meaningful.In fact he argues that received effect on student achievement is actually non-existent. This conclusion is based on the finding that the effect of a lower student-teacher ratio was not reflected in later years on the job market and in terms of profits 17 years later. True achievement, he argues, is measured not by the standard of achievement tests, simply by later success in life. He safely concludes therefore that there is no true effect of class size on student accomplishments.Schweitzer (1991) suggests that moves by institutions to decrease the pupil-teacher ratio are counterproductive and will only result in additional government spending with little effect on student performance. He believes that the old-fashioned method of hard work on the par t of the student, good didactics by the faculty, and strong motivation by both (Schweitzer, 1991, p. 297) are the key ingredients to improved student achievement. Thus, as Gursky (1998) surmises, there is very little magic to class size or student-teacher ratio.Some researchers have proposed that the optimum size for any classroom is between 15 and 17 students. What the research is confirming is that there is at once very little in the way of consensus on the issue of whether or not reduced student-teacher ratios result in improved student performance. In the comprehensive review conducted by Hanushek (2000), 14% of the researches showed that there was a positive relationship between increased student-teacher ratio and a similar 14% found the opponent association. The remaining 72% found the relationship to be too insignificant to matter (p.5). It is fallacious to mull over that all factors that may impact student performance can be isolated and controlled in direct to discover a causal relationship between the variables of lower or higher student-teacher ratios and higher student performance. As researchers such as Hanushek (2000) and Preece (1987) would argue, there are a myriad of home-environmental and societal factors over which the declare or school have very little control but which may impact student performance in either direction regardless of existing student-teacher ratios.Without a doubt the family background from which the students occur plays a significant role in impacting achievement. Dustmann et al. (2003) proposes that the financial resources of the family, the quality time parents spend with children, the size of the family, a childs birth order and the interest the parent shows in the childs performance are important in analyzing factors that influence success in school. The socioeconomic context and location in which the child resides could also be a constraining factor.Preece (1987) adds that another factor, the heterogeneous natu re of the classroom could be a significant key in understanding student achievement. He proposes that more homogeneous classrooms surrogate a better learning environment for students, regardless of class size or student-teacher ratios. Research has not proven either side of the debate but has demonstrated the possible merits of both. Educators seem determined, despite the privation of evidence to support the claim, to reduce the student-teacher ratios in an effort to impact student achievement.These educators are not tout ensemble misguided in their position however. It is a combination of factors too complicated to isolate that determines the how well each student achieves individually. Reduced class sizes have not proven to be harmful to any significant extent and thus existing policies to continue to reduce the student-teacher ratios cannot possibly do any notable pith of harm. ferences Alspaugh, J. W. (1994, Summer).The relationship between school size, student teacher ratio and school efficiency. command, 114(4), 593-601. Borland, M. V., Howsen, R. M. Trawick, M. W. (2005, Mar). An investigation of the effect of class size on student academic achievement. Education frugals, 13(1), 73-83. Colorado association of School Boards, Colorado Association of School Executives Colorado Education Association. (n. d. ). Believe in a better Colorado.Retrieved November 19, 2007, from http//www. believeinabettercolorado. org/images Dustmann, C. , Rajah, N. van Soest, A. (2003, Feb). Class size, education, and wages. Economic Journal, 113(485), F99-F149. Ehrenberg, R. G. , Brewer, D. J. , Gamoran, A. Willms, J. D. (2001, Nov). Does class size matter? Scientific American, 285(5), 78-85. Graddy, K. Stevens, M. (2005, Apr). The impact of school resources on student performance A study of private schools in the United Kingdom. Industrial Labor Relations Review, 58(3), 435-451.Gursky, D. (1998, Oct). Class size does matter. Education Digest, 64(2), 15-18. Hanushek, E. A. (2000, Aug). Evidence, politics, and the class size debate. Retrieved November 19, 2007, from http//www. utdallas. edu/research/tsp/pdfpapers/paper19. PDF Lamdin, D. J. (1995, Apr).Testing for the effect of school size on student achievement within a school district. Education Economics, 3(1), 33-42. Morisi, T. L. (1994, Jul). Employment in public schools and the student-to-employee ratio. Monthly Labor Review, 117(7), 40-44. topic Center for Education Statistics. (2001, Sep). Elementary and secondary school enrollment. Education Statistics Quarterly, 2(2). Retreived November 19, 2007 from, http//nces. ed. gov/programs/quarterly/Vol_2/2_2/q3-3. asp Preece, P. F. (1987, Jul/Aug). Class size and learning A theoretical model.Journal of Educational Research, 80(6), 377-379. Sable J. Garofano, A. (2007, Jun). Public elementary and secondary school student enrollment, high school completions, and staff from the common core of data School year 2005-06. Retrieved November 19, 2007 , from, http//nces. ed. gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo. asp Schweitzer, T. T. (1991, Summer). Collective bargaining, teachers, and student achievement Comment. Journal of Labor Research, 12(3), 297-298. Vignoles, A. (1998, May). Raising standards in our schools Does class size in reality matter? Economic Outlook, 22(3), 18-23.
Monday, 15 April 2019
Smile Now, Cry Later Essay Example for Free
Smile Now, Cry Later EssayGangs atomic number 18 becoming a growing problem within American society. In 2002 much than 877,700 young mass between the age of 10 to 24 were injured from violent acts, and 79% of homicide victims ages 10 to 24 were killed with firearms (Youth hysteria Fact Sheet 3). Young people atomic number 18 turning to gangs as a way to top problems in their lives, problems such as poverty, home violence, peer pressure, forced them to seek for power, m sensationy, respect, protection or hardly love on the streets.the majority of gang members have been exposed or have suffered violence in their homes. When youths trades union gangs, social activities with friends, and school. Gang members tend to fall behind their classmates in school and do not try to stick around. They lost their motivation, interests and see school like a part of the problem and not like a solution. The majority of gang members are illiterate because they drop out of school at a very y oung age.Most of them have or are related with drugs, which destroy their lives and their chances for a good education and better life. Teenagers are essenceing gangs every day, becoming a problem in ghettos, urban areas and neighborhoods. They can be found in about every city in the unite States. One thing that all the gangs have in common is that According to Luis J. Rodriguezs book, Always discharge La Vida Loca or The Crazy Life, the barrio gang experience, originated with the Mexican Pachuco gangs of the 1930s and 1940s and was later recreated with the cholos (5).The cholos, one of the most prominent and violent gangs in southern California region, still attract much and more teenagers. Teens usually join gangs in an attempt to correct both the social and emotional problems in their lives. at that place are many complex reasons kids join gangs the majority grew up in broken families without a spawn or a mother to look up to when everything went chaotic and family conflic ts present. These kids have a very low-self evaluate cod to the poor family function. They join in order to find love and acceptance.They see gangs as a surrogate, or substitute family, and they find in the streets what they dont have at home. They also join gangs to gain power, money and respect eventually by getting into fights and killing each other. They often join gangs because they want to feel that they fit in somewhere, feeling rejected in more common situations due to their cultural heritage, religious believes, sex, or race. They join gangs as a way to protect themselves from discrimination, racism, prejudice, and to find acceptance among other members of the gang.Gangs are one of the results of urban deterioration thats why we see some communities more affected than others. Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with today because gangs are a direct result of human beings personal wants and peer pressure. These issues can be identify by looking at the way humans are influenced in society, because I truly believe there is good evidence to point the blame at several institutions including the power that the media has in our society, the government, drugs and our economic system.
Comparing the Republic to the Modern Society Essay Example for Free
Comparing the Republic to the Modern Society EssayThe relevance of The Republic to our upstart society In Platos The Republic, Plato illustrates what his paragon city would look like. He describes the rearingal systems, inclinationl legislators and the purposes of democracy. The nation influenced worldy people to understand the purpose for democracy, and it led to new philosophical schools of thought. Although this work was written hundreds of geezerhood ago, it ease affects our modern world today. One of the most important things that Plato stresses is the importance of education. Without education of the masses, democracy would renounce to exist. When Plato was forming his ideal society, he stressed the importance of education for several reasons. Most importantly, educating citizens led to a peaceful, well-run republic. For Plato, education was not about information intake and data storage. Rather, education was drawing out the knowledge that was already in the studen t. He said that the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already He gives an allegory of prisoners in a core out, who have never seen light before.They become free, come out of the undermine and see the light. They understand that the shadows be just reflections of real things they argon not the real things themselves. They ascend up to a mountain and see the world for what it really is. Plato uses this story to illustrate what education does for the human soul. We are all born in a dark cave, chained to a wall and cannot see the light. We still around all day looking at shadows, which appear to be so real to us. commandment breaks the chains of ignorance. We can ascend to the top of the mountain and look out onto the beautiful world. According to Plato, aft(prenominal) the prisoners ascend all the way to the top of the mountain, they essential be made to descend again among the prisoners in the den and partake in labors and honors, whether worth having or not. Pl ato notes that once a person is educated and has certain knowledge and truth, they should go back and teach those who do not know.This still relevant today because we command to not be so focused on how high we climb up the ladder, but we pauperisation to be concerned with how we help others achieve their goals. This allegory is also used to describe justice. The prisoners in the cave do not know what real justice looks like. The people on the mountain tops must come down and give understanding to those who are lacking it. Plato goes on to describe the type of attractor that would be perfect to run the ideal city.The type of loss leader that Plato describes is someone who is wisest about the affairs of the state, and by whom the state is best administered and who at the same time have other honors and a better conduct whence that of politics. The ideal leader in Platos time is not much different from the ideal leader in our time period. We still want someone who knows and un derstands the problems of the state or country, who will be a good leader, and will be fitting to put the welfare of his people before his own.These characteristics are still what many people look for in a dependable leader. Plato describes that a good leader should not be caught up in their own wealth, they should care about their people. This is a actually foundational idea that is still important in America today. We desire to have a leader who will be humble and care for us, instead of one that has a hidden agenda. According to Plato, economic self-interest and policy-making power must be kept separate and not be allowed to work in faction to the disadvantage of the state.In mapping out his utopian society, Plato stresses the importance of democracy. In a short instalment called democracy considered, Plato talks about how oligarchies decay into democracies and democracies decay into tyranny. Tyranny is formed from pursing ones pleasures and appetites. Plato claims that a ma n who is deranged and not right in his mind will fancy that he is able to rule, not only over men, but also over gods He describes here that a man can not be a leader if he is deranged and thinks that he is the center of the universe.Plato then shows how democracy and tyranny differ. In describing the differences, Glacon says They are the opposite extremes for one is the in truth best and the other is the very worst. The republic shows many similarities to todays society. We still have many of the same ideals in education and in government. This piece of work was criticized at the time it was written by is now honored and very influential. It was one of the first writings that began western thinking and formed many new beliefs that influenced the renaissance.
Saturday, 13 April 2019
Apush Sample Frqs Essay Example for Free
Apush Sample Frqs Essay1. The French and Indian War (1754-1763) altered the relationship between Britain and its North American colonies. Assess this change with come across to TWO of the future(a) in the period between 1763 and 1775.Land acquisition Politics Economics2. tax the extent to which the Articles of Confederation were effective in solving the problems that confronted the new nation.3. Although the place of the national government increase during the early republic, this development often faced serious opposition. Compare the motives and effectiveness of those opposed to the growing power of the national government in TWO of the following. Whiskey Rebellion, 1794Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 1798-1799Hartford Convention, 1814-1815Nullification Crisis, 1832-18334. Analyze the contributions of TWO of the following in helping establish a stable government after the adoption of the Constitution.John Adams doubting Thomas Jefferson George Washington (2002)5. Analyze the extent to which TWO of the following influenced the development of democracy between 1820 and 1840.Jacksonian frugal policyChanges in electoral politicsSecond Great AwakeningWestward movement6. The Jacksonian Period (1824-1848) has been celebrated as the era of the common man. To what extent did the period live up to its video? Consider TWO of the following in your response.Economic development Politics Reform movements7. In what slipway did the Second Great Awakening in the North influence TWO of the following?AbolitionismTemperanceThe furor of domesticityUtopian communities8. Although Americans perceived Manifest Destiny as a benevolent movement, it was in fact an obstreperous imperialism pursued at the expense of others. Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to American expansionism in the 1840s.9. Analyze the effectiveness of political compromise in reducing sectional tensions in the period 1820-1861.10. deal the political, economic, and social reforms introduced in the South between 1864 and 1877. To what extent did these reforms survive the Compromise of 1877?11. Analyze the impact of either TWO of the following on the American industrial worker between 1865 and 1900.Government actions Labor Unions in-migration Technology changes12. Analyze the reasons for the emergence of the Populist movement in the late nineteenth century.
Friday, 12 April 2019
Personal property Essay Example for Free
Personal property Essay pom Poko is at one time instantaneously easily r for each oneed and from top to bottom foreign. Nipponese civilization is extraterrestrial to American judgment, and Pom Poko is Takahatas festivity of that only one of its kind Asian traditions. Its the mainly unfamiliar of each and every Studio Ghibli scenes. Pom Poko is, as Takahata explains it, an imaginary documentary concerning the society conflict among tanuki and mankind, from the tanuki viewpoint.It is a narrative with reference to the animals efforts to embrace back the deluge of human being development, and it is furthermore the chronicle concerning an aboriginal human beings consumed up, taken from their personal property. Review This is a motion picture that shows off a lot of panamas, conceivably excessively numerous for those who come across at the animals and look forward to Winnie the Pooh or Bambi. The anecdote intertwines on the whole the way through funny side jesting, communal obse rvations, lampoon, surrealism, and catastrophe.It revolutionizes frame of mind to a great end the way the tanuki transforms structure, meandering and patterns into an innovative form, and uncompromisingly poignant onward. I suppose you leave be awargon(p) of the entire stratagem as the good-humored tanuki takes part in never-ending high jinks and be an effort for a range of thoughts to force the inward bound human beings away of their wooded area. You will likely fail to notice a lot of, if not the majority, of the cultural-specific ideas, the childrens folk songs, the chronicles and tales, the traditions, the religious convictions.But dont pain to a great extent Takahata intends to resuscitate his Japanese spectators, one fitting additional and further Westernized, to their wide inheritance. Repetitive viewings are enormously mandatory. This analysis was conducted using the method in the book A before long Guide to Writing ab erupt Film (Timothy Corrigan, 150). Pom Poko is a slightly unusual documentary for Takahata, only he still makes use of all his endowments, and his sparkling, manipulative intelligence is extremely a good regard in confirmation.Thematically, its exceptionally comparable to The Story of Yanagawa Canals and Miyazakis personal Spirited Away, but with a sinister, additional blasting twist. Its as much an acclamation as a call to supports (Chris Beveridge, pp. 1) Dependable with Japanese traditions, the Tanuki , a Japanese raccoon dogs, are described as an extremely companionable, ill-behaved sort, proficient to make use of delusion force field to convert into approximately no matter which thing but also high-spirited and as easily affectionate of delicious pleasures to be an authentic intimidation.Visually, the Tanuki in this motion picture are illustrated in terzetto ways at a variety of times as sensible animals, as anthropomorphic animals which infrequently be dressed in clothes, and as cartoony figures found on the manga of Sh igeru Sugiura of whom Takahata is an enormous admirer. They have a movement to take for granted their sensible appearance when in sight of human beings, their cartoony shape when they are trusty for doing something bizarre or capricious and their anthropomorphic structure at all additional times.Conclusion Although the movie screens a certain amount if nudity, but since the movie portrays the Japanese culture it is not an issue. The movie is a perfect classic cartoon documentary. The pictures has reasonably a severe significance, which means the amusing part of the Tanuki, which approaches out in a lot of prospects, is concealed by the unhappiness that their surroundings is being shattered everlastingly.On the whole to a certain extent attention-grabbing if you desire to study regarding another civilization and enormous if you are into computer graphics. Possibly not so fine if you desire light children amusement. References Beveridge, Chris. 2005. Pom Poko. Retrieved on inaugura l March 2009 from http//www. mania. com/pom-poko_article_77593. html Corrigan, Timothy. 2003. A Short Guide to Writing about Film. Publisher Longman 5th variance
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Facilities And Rational Essay Example for Free
Facili conjoins And Rational EssayFor a multinational hotel filament, there is lease to maintain quality standards for system of rules to live- up to their sucker equity and customers expectations. However, as hotel proposed to be a 3- lead hotel, we need to take blood line of the costs and need not go overboard in promising ameni tie ins and services. Moreover, as per juvenile report (1), occupancy in capital of the United Kingdom hotels has come down form 80% to 75% with applaud to other European cities in 2001 to 2002 period. East end of London is right place to open a new hotel as next four- five years going to have lots of line activities preceding to 2012 Olympics. During Olympics spectators load going to create havoc on cities infrastructure and demand from yap awayors would result is substantial deficit of paths. As costing and other business case related evaluations are done separately, below is the expatiate of key constituents of hotel facilities, infr astructure and amenities for a three- star hotel for business clientele Features of populate In a 200- room hotel, there is need for gradation of quality of rooms to cater to spectrum of customer profile.Rooms need to be premier and ordinary quality, however, allocation in the categories to follow pyramid structure of the target segment. excogitation for maximum number of ordinary room, with 80% (160 units) coverage, 15% (30 units) of executive suites and 5% (10 units) of presidential suites. Suites can be on higher floor which can give better apparent horizon of the city/ upcoming arena/ river. Hotel room is most critical interface of the hotel with the customer in building impression and to ensure think back and re- visit. Below are the key aspects of the room amenities. Decent size (6 ft* 7ft) bed with entree from both sides, ample number of cushions/ pillows (hypo allergic), reading lamp attached from behind wall. Study table made of substantially quality wood. Chair wit h arm rest and robust cushioned back support for prolonged working. shelve to have lamp and stationery. A detailed road map of London and transportation network would be heavy(p) swear aside to travelers. Comfortable couch to stretch legs after days work, centre table to place daub bags etc, soothing paintings on the wall, cupboard with ample hangers, shoe- shine etc. LCD Interactive TV/ fun system with access to business channels, individually controlled AC, internet connectivity, business papers and magazines, phone facility, safe deposits box, afternoon tea/ coffee making unit and complimentary mini bar. Bathroom 24 hour hot/ moth-eaten running water, fitted with overhead shower, bath tub, WC. Along with other toiletries, shaving kit for business traveler, dryer, magnifying mirror, bathrobes, in- room slippers, 24- hr laundry service. Fire alarm Each room required to be equipped with fire alarm, which is incorrupt responsibility of hotel owner, moreover, it is statutor y requirement.Alarm need be quite sensitive to smoke, and alarm moldiness be audible to authorities and residents to take up priggish cover. Water sprinkler is option worth trying depending on the budget. Sprinkler would help in containing fire before it grows. All room to have instructions at bedside bylining what to do in case of fire. Exit signs must be visible from all corners of the corridor. As proposed hotel is to cater to business clientele, there would be large gathering of delegates to con transmission channel meetings and conferences. Location of such facilities is important.Conference rooms uncomplete should be at basement and nor at the top floor. All exits, pathways should be unobstructed for emergency evacuations. gloriole conditioning Central air cooling and heating is hygiene level need for a 3- star hotel. To take care of customers/ guests during extreme temperatures in summers and winter effective air conditioning is required. Each room would have louver/ air- vent to release hot/ cool air draft. From each room, air duct to be connected with the central air compressor. Air conditioning systems are the greatest guzzler of galvanic energy in hotels.A detailed assessment of energy efficiency is required to optimize costs. It is evermore preferred for each room to have individual control panel to regulate the temperature. Health facilities To slow down after hectic day of work, business travelers look forward to Spa/ Swimming Pool (covered, temperature controlled) / middle school with treadmill, weights and trainer support. Doctor must be available on call, 24/ 7. For emergency a adduce book with important telephone number s and contact person names to be provided in each room. Utilities 24 hr water supply, with purification plant, captive to the hotel. East- rest being not very(prenominal) advanced in life standards, it would be important to give comfort to customers on hygiene issues interchangeable pure water, unpolluted air and cleanliness. Uninterrupted queen supply at steady voltage with no fluctuations. Any volatility in current would affect laptop kinds of gadgets of customers. Hotel must be equipped with power back- up in form of generator in event of electricity failure. Currency exchange facility, with tie up with international bank.Single window facility to take care of financial needs of customer would reduce unwanted hassles for the customers, avoiding unnecessary trip to the city. Fleet of cars for airport pick up/ drop. Or tie with car rental for availability of cars during peak hours. Economics to be seen. Under London congestion charging scheme, give of car in the city is becoming expensive, so for group transfers, use of coach would be meter saving and cost effective. Speed elevators with proper signage and space. Separate service elevator for staff and service. eating house Restaurant to offer complimentary buffet breakfast.Continental breakfast is recommended for all days. A vari ety of spread (boiled vegetables to cakes) would help in charging the customer for the big day ahead. 24- hour coffee shop for executives reaching at curious hours from office/ airports. This facility must have laptop/ mobile charging electrical points for executive to carry out work along with the much needed coffee break. Multi-cuisine restaurant to take care of varying hold buds of plethora of businessman travelling in and out of London. Bar cum live music To rap business and tourist traveler both, a bar with live music is important differentiator.Features characteristics of the building a) frontal For 200- rooms, and assuming space to be constrained in east- end, hotel need to be 12- 15 storey structure, with pose in basement. Reception, business centre, conference halls and restaurants at first and second floor level. Most of the room must be front facing. Room windows/ balconies to be of uniform size, glass and light fixtures, to give consistent view of the hotel. Two - lane space in front of main gate smooth flow of cars. b) Branding Signage of hotel stag/ name to be positioned for it to be visible from the approach roads.Hoarding on the roads emerging out of airport, with toll- free number would help in generating enquiries from prospective customers. c) Business centre Fax facility, desktops with high pelt along internet, small meeting room (for 4- 6 person), small library with latest business books/ journals. d) Conference rooms Equipped with good quality overhead projector, 50- 100 chairs, round tables, chord less mikes, quality speakers with proper acoustics and white board etc. These halls must be suited for seminars, conventions, conferences, training programs etc.Important element for better ROI (return on investment) from conference rooms is to have partition arrangement. In event of small group size (20- 40), same hall can be partitioned into two for couple of parallel small sessions. e) obtain arcade If local artifacts, business an d ethic garments and books on exotic topics etc is provided within hotel, customers may have other reason to avoid congested city markets. Moreover, this bazaar/ series of shops can be another meander of revenues for the hotel. f) Car park Parking space must be available for 80- 100 cars, with valet parking facility.PA (public announcement) system to facilitate quick access to cars and faster movement from the main porch. 2012 Olympics For summer Olympics bonnie four years away, economic activities would start building up from now (2008). There would be pick- up in lots of construction and infrastructure work for facilities for Olympic stadium, athletes complex and spectators. Various suppliers of machineries, services and equipments would visit often the city and the area. During Olympics spectators from around the world would result is substantial shortfall of hotel facilities.As East End going to see lots of business activities and media focus in next few years, it is most se asonable time for hotel industry to capitalize on top line and bottom line growth. From Olympics perspective, this multinational hotel chain must toy with the idea of taking a quality hotel property on lease for 5 years. Logistics It is important to have proper connectivity with key points of London city like Airport at Newham. As per Regional Planning Guidance3 (RPG3) hotels are encouraged to develop facilities in underdeveloped boroughs (1) to overcome traffic snarls and fixate stay of customer comfortable.A proper commuting network is required to be developed, using coaches and cars for the customers who would be staying in the hotel. Conclusion A well equipped hotel by a well known brand in a demand- supply gap scenario is a favorable business proposition. To have first- mover advantage, and to string up to tap the potential in a 3- star hotel with aforementioned facilities is a compelling business case to be taken forward by the organization.Reference(1) PriceWaterhouseCooper s 2002 report to Greater London Authority on Demand and capacity for Hotels and Conference centre in London
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Good vs Evil in Gregory Maguire’s “Wicked†Essay Example for Free
skinny vs Evil in Gregory Maguires implike EssayWhat is good and what is fully grown come upms pretty easy to define. favorable is being morally right, an action or a quality that does non cause impose on _or_ oppress to state, harm to self, nor cause sadness. Goodness benefits another(prenominal)s, if not the self, and it causes happiness. Evil is the opposite of good, or the absence of good. But these are provided the general look uponings of these two concepts. In religion, good and evil are represented by different beings. In Christianity, being good means to please God, the Creator. Jesus Christ is also good, and heaven is where good souls go to.On the other hand, the Devil, being a fallen angel, represents evil, and hell is where bad souls are tortured for eternity. other(a) religious practices in the world may or may not have divine beings that tribe worship, but they also have concepts of good and evil. Evil is defined by goodness. If good is defined, bad is automatically defined as well, because bad is, to put simply, not good. For example, if good would be represented by a child who obeys his/her parents, then bad would be a child who does not obey his/her parents. The question is what if the bad child has a reason to not obey his/her parents?What if the reason is besides being bad, such as what if the child disobeyed his/her parents to fulfill a promise to a friend? Good and evil only represents the stark and white, but reality tells us that there are also grey areas, some things which are not exactly bad, but not exactly good either. Gregory Maguires novel, Wicked, a sort of prequel to the incorrupt childrens novel, L. Frank Baums Wizard of Oz, is close good and evil, and these grey areas in between, which are acts through with(p) by people which are not good but also not evil. It tells of the story of the disreputable Wicked Witch of the West.In the original Wizard of Oz books, the witch is not named, only given the agnomen of The Wicked Witch of the West. Described as green-skinned, wearing black clothes with a black pointed hat, riding on a broomstick, and afraid of water, this witch character became almost a stereotype for all other witches. In Wicked, this witch is given the name Elphaba Thropp, with the first name take from the initials of the original condition of Wizard of Oz. One of the first things that readers testament notice and perhaps find interesting is the quotations in single of the first pages.Maguire quotes three, one of which is from The Wizard of Oz, about the dialogue between the Wizard and Dorothy. The Wizard requests Dorothy to bolt down the Wicked Witch of the West, and in return he will help her return to Kansas. This quote may light upon a child think, given that the child fully understands what is morally right and wrong in the society. cleaning is wrong. Why should Dorothy kill the witch? Because she is bad? But killing a bad person will not make a person good. Or d oes it? Does a wrong action turn into a right action if there is a good reason for committing the action?With this quote, a person who is about to read Wicked will start thinking about the nature of good and evil, and will loaf the central idea of the book. In the first part of the Wicked, the birth of Elphaba is told. Readers will learn the occurrences when she was innate(p) and the background of her parents. From the time she was born, Elphaba had skin of undeniable green (p. 20). She also had sharp fangs that she bit off the dactyl of the fisherwife when she was still a baby (p. 20). These different characteristics makes her an oddity, and somehow inhuman.For this reason, it is assumed that Elphaba grew up being a victim of prejudice. This prejudice later proved to be an important experience for her, because her intentions and motivations all came from the prejudice and cruelty that she experienced as a child, and even as an adult. Despite this, she grew up smart and curious. She also questions things that most people accept, such as the concept of evil. In a conversation with Galinda, she asks if evil does exist. They seemed to be obsessed with office it evil an evil spring in the mountains, an evil smoke, evil blood in the veins The early unionists argued that some lightless pocket of corruption was floating around the neighborhood, a direct descendant of the pain the world matte up when Lurline left. Like a patch of cold air on a warm still night. A perfectly agreeable soul might march through it and become infected, and then go and kill a neighbor. But then was it your fault if you walked through a patch of badness? If you couldnt see it? (p. 80-81) This is foreboding, because later in the story, Elphaba does walk through a patch of badness, though she does not mean to walk into it.
Sunday, 7 April 2019
Memories of my childhood days Essay Example for Free
Memories of my puerility long time EssayMemories of my Childhood DaysMy first recollection of my childhood is the day I atomic pile the stairs when I was three years old. I was so happy that time I cried and cried for closely an hour in spite of my parents attempts at comforting me. Finally, I quietened down when I was given ice- rake and chocolates. Luckily, I was not hurt because the stairs is not to steep. My days were happy ones before I started firing to school, as I had good neighbours to play with me. I was playing from morning till evening. We played games surface like Batu Seremban,Police entry and Lumba Lari. There were also other games to occupy our time until my mother bring a rattan to call me back.. At the age of five years, I had to attend kindergarten and this turned out to be quite an ordeal for me. To begin with, I felt very sad having to leave my mother and go off each morning to be amongst strangers. I cried and wanted my mother around, much to my teache rs displeasure. As the days went by, however, I made friends easily in class and found company. I became happy again and rattling looked forward to leaving the house each morning.I still remember those days when I was acquirement to ride a bicycle. I fell and bruised myself several times but I never gave up. Finally, I was able to join my friends going around the neighbourhood on my bike.Another fond memory is the end-of-year concert held at the kindergarten. I was chosen to play the role of Princess in the play, Princess and Gunung Ledang, and I became a celebrity long receiving lots of compliments for my performance.I now realise what a wonderful childhood I cast had and at times wish I could relive those days.
Existentialism and Film Noir Essay Example for Free
Existentialism and Film Noir EssayExistentialism and its worldview are be duplicityved to have derived from Nietzsches provocative and controversial asseveration God is dead. The underlying meaning to Nietzsches controversial statement is that empirical natural science has replaced metaphysical explanations of the world. As a result of this, according to Nietzsche we no drawn-out have any sense of who and what we are as human beings. He concludes that no foundation exists anymore for the meaning and value of things. Nietzsches philosophy shines pass on what movie house noir is. That is, an artistic response to, or recognition of, this alteration in our understanding of the world.To emphasize the existentialist attitude in film noir, mingled stylistic and thematic techniques are used. Common techniques or characteristics of film noir that we see in both The Maltese Falcon and The Killers include unconventional or non-classical narrative patterns, opposition of light and sh adow, disorientation of the viewer, incoherent temporary hookup lines, inversion of traditional values and its corresponding moral ambivalence, non-chronological ordering of events, and characters whose actions are not motivated or understandable in any rational way.The similarities of characteristics between existentialism and film noir are prominent for example, Siodmak and Huston speciate the alienation and disorientation of a post-Nietzschean world, one without transcendent meaning or value. The constant opposition of light and shadow as seen in The Maltese Falcon and The Killers, helps proclaim the dark characteristics of a post-Nietzschean world. For instance, when the swede peacefully awaits his assassins, we get a sense of estrangement and lack of sense and meaning.This lack of sense and meaning is merely emphasized when the room goes dark and you see him from the neck down in light, but the face is in total shadow. A sense of despair is created through with(predicate) this camera technique by showing that no one else is in the room, leaving him hopeless to escape. A common characteristic of film noir that we see in both The Maltese Falcon, and The Killers, is the use of unconventional or non-classical narrative patterns. The use of non-classical narrative patterns emphasizes the cynical characteristics of a post-Nietzschean world.For instance, in The Maltese Falcon, Miss Ruth Wonderly initially claims to Spade and Archer to be searching for her sister, as yet her true intentions were to implicate Thursby her unwanted accomplice by killing Archer. Miss Ruth Wonderlys overbearing behavior coincides with the pessimistic view about the nature and purpose of human life. Non-classical patterns are established through various stylistic techniques. Such as the non-chronological ordering of events, often achieved through flashbacks. An example of this technique is seen in The Killers, when flashbacks are used to tell the story leading up to Ole Andersen s death.The use of flashbacks and complicated sometimes-incoherent plot lines, as in The Maltese Falcon, are examples of the stylistic techniques that are used in film noir to communicate the mood and sensibility. A final common technique that is used in film noir is portraying characters whose actions are not motivated or understandable in any rational way. For example, why does Miss Wonderly lie about her name and objective in the beginning of The Maltese Falcon when she is sure to get caught at some point? By portraying the characters in this manner, Huston leaves the viewer with unanswered questions, leading to the disorientation of the viewer.It has been argued that film noir cannot be defined, therefore has no essential characteristics. That being said, considering noir as a response to the death of god helps explain the commonality of elements that philosophers have recognized in noir films. Moreover, the directors of The Maltese Falcon and The Killers use of thematic and s tylistic characteristics in their films make them two of the best examples of film noir. They clearly depict a world of the post-Nietzschean breaker point in their films, that is one of despair, alienation, and paranoia, which is essentially an existential attitude towards life.
Saturday, 6 April 2019
Strategic Planning and Strategic Objectives Essay Example for Free
Strategic Planning and Strategic Objectives try onAn ongoing proceeds figure can increase the tonus of a product or helping an organization produces. To develop a successful improvement plan, an organization must have a well-designed strategical plan that is in agreement with the mission and visions of the organization. This paper will discuss how quality is linked to 3Ms strategic plan objectives, analyze the process improvement plan that the organization currently uses and give examples of the tools and techniques used to notice quality. Lastly, this paper will show who has the ultimate responsibility for quality assurance, and the extent to which the organizations process improvement plan is related to the organizations strategic plan. Strategic cookery and strategic objectives allow an organization to achieve consistency and competitive advantage for its management and products. When used effectively, both are linked to improving the quality of the organizations prod uct with effective time management, total quality management, and mass customization (Melnyk Swink, 2005).3M is aware of the importance of effective strategic planning and strategic objections and how both are connected to continuously improving quality products. 3M promotes quality inside and let on and is proud to announce their Quality Statement 3M promises you innovation, quality products and attend from a company you can practice (3M, 2007). Their quality policy is to develop, produce, and deliver on time, products and services that exceed their customers expectations. In order to make this happen, 3M has utilize rigorous quality systems that are continuously being improved to keep up with customers demands. In addition, their manufacturing and service operations are registered to the internationally recognized ISO 9001 quality standard.3M places a strong emphasis on quality design, utilizing problems and waste prevention to build quality into their products and processes . All 3M products are manufactured to 3M specifications and undergo testing to secern conformance.Continuous improvement at 3M has become a way of life. One of the keystrategies of all their manufacturing locations is to forever improve their processes. Each site uses a quality tool kit to help meet objectives. 3M also uses many customer satisfaction measurements to determine their performance in the marketplace. The main driver of their continual improvement efforts for their business and manufacturing processes is Six Sigma (3M, 2007).Melnyk, S., Swink, M. (2005). Value-driven operations management an integrated modular approach. The McGraw-Hill Companies.3M (2007). Quality statement. Retrieved on October 15, 2007 from www.3m.com
Friday, 5 April 2019
The Difference Between School Strategic Management Resource Business Essay
The Difference Between School Strategic focus Resource Business EssayThe design prepargon is applied by formulating empower and unique strategies in a deliberate process. The design shoal is also known as process of conception, in this process, the infixed situation of the organisation of the environment .The planning coach thorough steps are taken from the meaning of the analysis of the situation to the actual execution. The stance school, this is also known as analytical process, this scheme is use by placing the brass within its industry, and looks at how the disposal bath improve its position with their respective industry. plain though approaches to the design, planning and positioning are different, the design and planning schools are twain prescriptive in character, as is the positioning school of thought. In the lead schools of thought discussed above, the environment is seen as relatively uninterrupted (Volberda Elfring, 2001).Resource based view, is a metho d of looking at the trustworthy as a clomp of picks in turn of approaching strategy (Powell, 2005).To give sustain fit competitive advantages ,resource based view evaluates inner(a) resources of the organization and emphasizes resources and capabilities (Madhani, 2009).To enable firms carry out their activities , resources can be considered as inputs .Strategic choices unconquerable by firm while competing in external employment environment is determined by internal resources and capabilities (Madhani, 2009)The most meaning(a) difference between the scene school of management and resource based view is that the strategic school of management emphasizes economies of scale and scope such as giving a guide to organization on accomplishment, mergers and diversification, budgeting, and analyzing the organizations position within the industry resource based view emphasizing on brand and regard as creation. While the perspective schools use tools such as Swot analysis, scenario planning and five forces in regularise to think, program and analyze, resource based view makes an organization to look at their tangible and intangible assets, processes, skills and the lead aspect of the party .In order to illustrate the significant differences, I would like to compare the differences between the schools of perspective and resource based view. Positioning school enable an organization to identify their position by identifying address leadership, focus and differentiation,(rnd, 2006 ), while on the other hand RBV gives importance to the leadership level of the organization and views the firm as bunch of resources which is said in the above. However, organization who in proceeding able to use both of them effectively it would benefit the organization in order to reach their goal and know where they stand, for example they are able to use the SWOT analysis to identify their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats and at the same time use the resource base d view to identify what values or brand name in the organization which can be seen as a large asset to the organization. The biggest advantage of resource-based view is that the resource one company h grey-headeds are hard to be practiced by a competitor.How do these different approaches allow to shoot in senss into the way successful organizations execute strategy?In order to succeed, companies apply to deal with different move of strategies independently and practice balanced strategies and apply a balanced approach to demarcation system. Many organizations amaze successfully used these different approaches and executing strategy.I would be development 3 case studies in order to give a better on how this organization uses these different approaches to execute their strategy.Case phylogeny 1Business Management Case Study How Cisco Applies Companywide Expertise forIntegrating Acquired CompaniesCisco is a IT company which uses resource based view and the design school. Cisco uses acquisition of other companies to rapidly tolerate new products, reach new markets, and grow revenue (Cisco, n.d.). Since 1993, the organization have acquired more than 120 companies which lie in of small startups to large established firms such as Linksys, Scientific Atlanta, and WebE (Cisco, n.d.). The phases, which is followed by Cisco, clearly illustrates that the organization is effectively using resource-based view and designing school. By using their internal resources such as cross-function team up ups, common principles, and threadbare processes, Cisco has developed a formal, repeatable approach to acquisition integration (Cisco, n.d.). The acquisition integration is through with(p) by using 3 phases, firstly discovery and planning, where the organization they assess their scope, model their business and integration planning, the second phase, execution, the organization en sure that they are operational readiness and activate their employee, resources and integra tion task in order to execute the deal with the acquired company, and the final phase, monitoring, ongoing measurement an adjustment of the integration activity (Cisco, n.d.).As verbalize by Graeme Wood, Direct of the acquisition integration, in the case study, Cisco centralizes acquisition integration as it is effect and allow them to capture best practices, use their skills and resources more effectively and apply discipline and over sight to the entire acquisition process (Cisco, n.d.). Another statement from Pat Belotti, senior manager of sales acquisition in the case study, integrated Cisco servicemanwide sales operation, the most important benefit of Ciscos banner integration process that the process help Cisco avoid a purge in revenues, in fact the organization is able to increase their revenues rapidly by applying the organizations resources to assist the acquitted sales part reach their maximum potential (Cisco, n.d.)Case Study 2Adding value through asset optimization, an Anglo American Case studyIn this case study Anglo American, a mining company which has a imagination of becoming the investment partner and employer of choice in the mining industry, one of its strategy to achieve that intake is asset optimization and by executing its strategy has been able to achieve on its stated posterior of saving $1 billion from core operations by 2011 (Anglo American, n.d.). This strategy was executed using the school of planning and resource based view theoretical approaches, in order to achieve their ambition and decided a target of $ 1 Billion from their operations (planning), they decided to optimize their assets. A important swash of development within the asset optimization program was its design, piloting and introduction into Anglo Americans day-to-day business in order for this strategy to be executed a formalized internal process called Operation reviewers, this team was full consist of Anglo Americans internal resources, initially they review ed their operations, Anglo American consistently review their process to make sure that the process is efficient as possible, the operations reviewers apply a structured evaluation process in three functional areas which are operational improvement , technical assessment , safety and sustainable development assessment they combined their central technical capacity with the operational expertise to create a team and focused on delivering value from operational improvement (Anglo American, n.d.). Anglo Americans optimization process sets out a clear view of how operational improvement can be planned for. There are five phases, scratch with recognizing an opportunity (investigate numerous ways to lower the mines carbon footprint) followed by the idea stage (found out that a mobile flare design would solve the problem) followed by the initiative stage (a detailed plan were created by technical expert from Anglo American) and finishing with putting an improvement into practice (Anglo Am erican, n.d.). Anglo American has effectively used the school of planning and resource based view by effectively planning the asset optimization using their resources and as a result has gained sustainable benefits worth billion of pounds. (Anglo American, n.d.)Case Study 3Delivering a business strategy, a trinitrotoluene case studyIn this case study, TNT, a business to business express delivery service and how the organization is delivering a business strategy using school of positioning and resource based view .In the case study TNT has identified that their organization has a characteristic position and that their market position is based on differentiating itself from rival through their intangible resources (resource based view) (TNT, n.d.), TNT has developed a strategy map that puts the client on the top at their highest priority of the business (TNT, n.d.). The organization wants everyone involved with the business informed on how the organization will be able to achieve its goals (TNT, n.d.).The TNT case study of Delivering a business strategy shows that Operational Excellence is achieved through a strong foundation of fast, honest and quality services (TNT, n.d.). From there, by understanding what different customers expect, the organization is able to improve the customer relationship and discover (TNT, n.d.). By building a stronger customer relationship the organization is able to build a higher level of loyalty and commitment. The organization views the innovation process is roughly identifying the future needs of the organizations customers and by establishing a stronger relationship the business is able to develop a articulatio approach and shared vision (TNT, n.d.). This strategy map involves quality employees in order to meet their aims and effectively carry out the strategy. In the case study, TNT have stated their mission to surpass customers expectations and experience in the transfer of their goods and documents all around the world an d by delivering value to the organizations customers by providing the most reliable and efficient solutions through their delivery networks and seek to lead the industry by instilling pride in their people and at the same time creating value for our stakeholders and be socially responsible around the world (TNT, n.d.). In order to achieve their aim TNTs biggest resource is their employees from various departments such as distribution, sales and marketing, finance, customer service and HR. .To ensure employees standards keep on growing, TNT emphasizes on development of employees (TNT, n.d.). By developing the organizations biggest resource, people, the organization ensures that it will have the capability to meet and implement quickly any necessary changes in the organizations strategy (TNT, n.d.).The organization also nurture new employees fresh from the market by offering a in house a five year apprenticeship program for people under 22 years old (TNT, n.d.) .TNT has successfully h ave used the positioning school and resource based view and successfully have a crafted an effective strategy.ConclusionA competitive advantage gives organization-enhanced capabilities for developing and delivering strategic value. Companies should have some(prenominal) competitive advantages, difficult to copy or duplicate, and sustainable over the long-term (Williams, 2007). The three companies above from the three case studies above has clearly have illustration combining school of taught to achieve their mission and vision.
Thursday, 4 April 2019
Performance Appraisal: Functions and Implementation
cognitive operation judgement Functions and ImplementationChapter 11.1 IntroductionThis dissertation project has been undertaken for the extent of the occupation degree MBA, General focusing from the University of East London. The commentings of this dissertation will contribute to concerned union and the author to complete the MBA degree. At the beginning, a leading mobile tele-communication placement in Bangladesh named Banglalink was chosen as the research organisation. In the middle of the demand, the solicitude ref employ to cooperate with providing information. As a result the author had to find and choose a suit suitable comp whatever to collect research information and data to finish the study. tighten Facilities Man growment troupe Ltd. (SFM) was the new company chosen to finish the research.The base chapter foxs an over every last(predicate) idea to the in exalted spiritsest degree the study. In this part, the background, objectives and research questions a nd the structure of this dissertation will be discussed.1.2 Background of the StudyThe study discusses save virtually the functions and the implementation of practice estimate in the new era.The concept of Welf ar Personnel was stoped in the end of the British golden colonial history by the humane concerns of rough business families give c be Cadbury and Rowntree. Then within the next century, the concept had changed and became Personnel Management and later on Human repair Management. Now the world has just entered into a new millennium and the concept of human resource focal point has live a strategic partner for the business organisations. (McKenna Beech, 20082 3)Organisations require many things in battle array to be eventive, a method for producing a product or answer, financial resources, a way of marketing and human resources. While all of these argon primal to organisational effectiveness, the only factor that represents a potential matched advantage is hu man resources. This is why the concept of human resource focussing is s outstanding to e very(prenominal)(prenominal) organisation.. The basics of managing people are getting people, preparing them, stimulating them motivate them. To manage human resources in any organisation the following questions are to be considered (Dessler, 20054-5)Are the souls hired for the job wrong?Is the organisation able to milk out the best from the employees?What is the close to frustrated area of human resource management?Is the honour carcass working properly?The above refers to how people worked in the historic, what changes are required in in store(predicate) to make the production scheme effective, what are the weaknesses of the arrangement and how to rectify. These truely refer to the military rating of employees of job which is called motion approximation. slaying judgement system is an important function of personnel department in any organisation. The system has a close relati onship amongst organisation goals and item-by-item writ of execution. The motion idea system represents a year round exercise of managing several(prenominal) mathematical operation in an integrated manner with a earn to enabling employees to perform at their carrying into action standards. (Dessler, 2005310)With the view of increasing organisational effectiveness through the effective management of human resources, the organisations give different methods of appraise feat of their employees.For this research a small security good company named Secure Facilities Management Company Ltd. (SFM) a private single owner security service company has been chosen. SFM became a successful organisation in the last few years. Their high standard businesslike employees are unitary of the key factors for their success. For that, SFM has been chosen to practice the theoretical intimacy and to get familiar with the animate system of surgery judgment of a small private company.1.2 Research QuestionIn general, close of the organisations be possessed of a kind of conventional or informal performance judgment system. Through the performance estimate system, the employees get to know their performance standards, which area of their performance pick ups to be developed etcetera The supervisor as well offers them with feedback, ripening and incentives to help them eliminating their performance deficiencies. If performance idea system is effectively used, it burn down improve attraction motivation of the employees on the job. If inappropriately used the appraisal process idler cede disastrous effects (Dessler, 2005310). Hence the discussion leads to the research questionsWhat is the take aim of understanding and compliance of the employees on performance appraisal?What are the reactions of the employees regarding the performance appraisal?What are the constraints of the performance appraisal in practical sustenance?1.3 Aims and Objectives of the St udyThe research has been undertaken for the fulfilment of the requirement for completion of MBA, General Management for the year 2008/2009. This is mainly aimed to develop the job expertise in the performance appraisal activities under the guidance of expert faculty genus Phallus of University of East London.It is sincerely a difficult task to assess consistency, relevance and reliability of the tools and techniques of the system, however and enterprise is made to have some ideas intimately the matter.1.3.1 AimsThe study mainly aims at knowing about the awareness, the level of understanding and compliance of the employees of SFM regarding performance appraisal system. The study attempts to analyse the present performance appraisal system and the affair of both appraisers and appraises in connection with the implantation of the system in real life situation.1.3.2 ObjectivesTo be acquainted with and acquire practical knowledge regarding performance appraisal system of an organi sation.To relate the theoretical knowledge of performance appraisal with practical implication.To determine the acceptability and reliability of the performance appraisal system in a certain organisation.To assess the constraints/factors which influence the performance appraisal system.1.4 Scope of the StudyTarget chemical group includes officers of all level.The working forces those who are working in the head office and excessively in the some other sites.Value Perception of both appraisers and appraises of the organisation under study.1.5 Limitations of the StudyWhile preparing this report, the following limitations had been facedAt the beginning a renowned mobile Tele-communication company in Bangladesh, Banglalink, was chosen for the study but they refused to consume any information and cooperation just one and half month before the submission date. As a result, the author had to choose a small security company, Secure Facilities Management Company Ltd. (SFM) to carry on an d finish the study within such a short duration.SFM has a master plan on performance appraisal, but at present implementing a part of it.As a part of the business strategy, SFM did not provide all information on their performance appraisal surgical operation.The major limitation of the study was the deprivation of time for such an intensive work which compelled the author to narrow the scope of the study.All officials were very busy with their own assignments. As a result, they had a little opportunity for giving much time in this regard.Limitation was faced on the volume of the report due to which many relevant and important things will remain unexplored in detail.1.6 Organisation ProfileIntroduction to Secure Facilities Management Company Ltd. (SFM)Since its formation SFM has built its reputation by providing security personnel of the highest calibre. This has been achieved by combining sound management with sensible harm and conditions for all staff. SFM strives to ensure tha t their clients and staff benefit from a focused and s wholesome-defined master entree, the ratio of management to client is kept to no more than than one manager per 10 clients.SFM strives to provide the highest standards of efficiency to all its clients, both large and small. SFM understands the importance of set-back impressions and that their personnel are very much the first point of contact for their clients visitors and residents.1.7 Structure of the ResearchThis structure of this study has the following five chaptersChapter 1 is the introduction chapter where the background, research question and rationale, objective, company profile and structure of the research are stated.Chapter 2 contains a draft literature review on performance management, history and meaning of the performance appraisal, purposes, functions, types of performance appraisal, MBO, 360 degree appraisal, problems and solutions of performance appraisal and essentials of a good performance appraisal. T his chapter will provide a basic understanding about performance appraisal which is related to the research questions.Chapter 3 contains Research regularityology which includes research skeleton in the cupboardwork, the design of the research, nation and sampling, and questionnaire.Chapter 4 provides Data analysis, statistical analysis and findings of the research.Chapter 5 describes the critical review of the findings.Chapter 6 discusses on tribute and demonstration of the study and reflection summery.Chapter 2Literature Review2.1 IntroductionOrganisations require consistent levels of high performance from their employees in order to survive in a highly competitive environment. In a view of this, performance appraisal can be a systematic system through which evaluation of an employee is done analyze effectively to determine required performance. It plays a key role in honour systems. It is the process of evaluating the performance of employees, sharing information with them and searching for ways to improve their performance. Appraisal is necessary in order toAllocate resources in a dynamic environmentMotivate and reward employeesGive employees feedback about their workMaintain fair relationships within groupsCoach and develop employees andComply with regulations.It is also a formal opportunity to do what should be done much more condescendly in organisations to express taste for employee contributions.Companies must administer their employee performance reviews, at all levels, fairly and without discrimination. Since all appraisals can be used against a company in an appraisal employee lawsuit, it is critical that these reviews should be completely accurate.This practice of performance appraisal has been given a variety of titles. The academicians call it performance appraisal, performance review etc. In presidency services in Bangladesh, it is known as ACR (Annual Confidential Report). In private organisations, it is often described as chastity r ating, personnel rating, progress rating, annual performance, etc.Performance appraisal plays a major role in Human Resource Management. The relegate is a part of Performance Management. It is necessary to discuss the performance management briefly before proceeding to performance appraisal.Performance ManagementThe primary concern of performance management is the improvement of someone and collective performance. It is a continuous cycle of self-renewing. The aim of performance management is make direct link unitedly individual goals, departmental purpose and organisational objectives. It integ order the major elements of HRM like appraisal and employee ontogeny, performance-related devote and reward management, individualism and employee relations. In other way it can be called as casual management activity as it deals with organising works to get the best result. a strategic integrated approach to delivering sustained success to organisations by improving the performance of the people who work in them and by underdeveloped the capabilities of tams and individual contributors. Armstrong (2001467) consort to Armstrong (2001475) the main activities of performance management are Role Definition, The Performance Agreement or Contract, The Performance Development Plan, Managing Performance Throughout the Year and Performance Review. These activities are a continuous cycle.According to Marchington Wilkinson (2004187), the process of performance management system involves Induction and Socialisation, Reviewing and Appraising Performance, Reinforcing Performance Standards and Counselling and Support.Beard rise and Holden (2001538) stated Performance Management is not simply the appraisal of individual performance it is an integrated and continuous process that develops, communicates and enables the futurity direction, core competencies and values of organisation, and helps to create an horizon of understanding.Performance Management is an effective tool by w hich the employees work behaviours are aligned with the organisations goals. There is no one way to manage performance. Whatever system is adopted quests to be similar with the culture and the principles of that organisation. However, most system of performance management has some(prenominal) partsDefining Performance Care in fully defines employee performance so that it supports the organisations strategic goals. Setting of clear goals for the individual employee is a critical component of performance management.Measuring Performance Measuring performance does not need to be narrowly conceived, but can bring together multiple types of performance measured in various ways. The key is to measure often and use the information for mid-course corrections.Feedback and Coaching In order to improve performance, the employee needs information (feedback) about their performance, along with the guidance in reaching the next level of results. Without frequent feedback, employees are unlikely to know that behaviour is out of synchronization with relevant goals, or what to do about it.The major aim of performance management is to find ways of continual improvement of levels of both organisational and individual performance and performance appraisal is the perfect weapon for that improvement.The Rise of Performance AppraisalThe performance appraisal has a long history which started China in the third century, the reign of Wei Dynasty. It was mainly used for the accomplished servants, army officers and managers until recently. Now it is very much wide spread all over the world and has become a popular management tool. In the UK most of the private sector organisations has introduced and are practicing performance appraisal during the last decade or two. Some people suggested that the reason behind for its growth is to use the personalised performance-pay system. Some other factors like market competition, managing change, organisation goal, milk out the best from the empl oyees etc. are also important. Now the terminology performance appraisal is changing to personal development review and performance review and development. (Taylor, 2004247-248)Meaning of Performance AppraisalPerformance Appraisal (PA) is a methodical, on the job-review of an employees abilities and accomplishments. Performance appraisal functions as a valuable management sound judgement tool and a superior employee motivation weapon. It enables us to strike a workable balance between organisations need for qualified and trained personnel and employees need for feedback and motivation. Performance is the contribution and appraisal is the procedure of measuring the contribution. Performance appraisal is an integral part of a system of managing individuals working in an organisation. Performance appraisal is an required inspire of modern technology and all the systems and controls coming into widespread us, people remain the most important factor in all kinds of business, organizat ion agencies, charitable organisations and all other organisation.Performance appraisal is a process of bringing together the approaches of performance management like counselling, training, improving performance etc. that helps the managers to exercise them to achieve the goal of the organisation. It is a procedure of rewarding and disciplining the employees to improve the over performance of the organisation.It is the process of evaluating performance or contribution of an employee to the organisation during a specific period of time by his or her supervisor with relation to his or her job requirements.An effective, true and valid performance appraisal system recognizes the legitimate desire of employees for progress in their professions. Integration of organisational demands and individual needs through career management is the part of performance appraisal. Therefore, the performance appraisal program is inevitable for measuring the contribution of both employees and managerial personnel.Performance appraisal program is the basis of find out who is profitable to higher position and who is to be rewarded for better contribution to the organisation he or she belongs to. Performance feedback lets employees know how well they have performed in comparability with the standards of the organisation. Performance appraisal program is the administrative and employee development tool, which is the domain of the management not shared by the employees.Opponents of the performance appraisal attack it on a variety of grounds but without appraising performance of the employees career development, organisational development, recently a number of organisations have revamped their appraisal system in a bid to reduce possible negative outcomes. Appraisal, no suspect is a complex issue and it is clear that to be effective, a system must be designed and implemented with great care.Performance appraisal means evaluating an employees current and/or past performance telling to his or her performance standards. (Dessler, 2005310)Michael Armstrong (2001486) says Performance review discussions enable a perspective to be obtained on past performance as a basis for making plans for the coming(prenominal). He explains that the five elements of performance management (measurement, feedback, unconditional reinforcement, exchange of views and agreement on action plans) can be achieved through performance review.In the conclusion it can be said that, performance appraisal is the process by which an employees contribution to the organisation during a specific period of time is assessed. Performance Feedback then lets the employee know how well they have performed in comparison with the standards of the organisation.Who Should Do The Appraisal?By traditionally a managers authority typically has included appraising subordinates performance. The logical system behind this tradition seems to be that since managers are held responsible for their employees performance, it only makes sense that these managers do the evaluating of their performance.The employees immediate foreman conducts about 95 percent of all performance appraisals at the lower and middle levels of the organisation.PurposesPurposes of Performance Appraisal HRD Employees ViewPerformance appraisal or evaluation serves a number of purposes for Human Resources Department and for the development of the employees.Management uses performance appraisal for general human resource decisions. Evaluations provide input into such important decisions, transfers, and terminations.Performance appraisals identify training and development needs. They pinpoint employee skills and competencies that are currently inadequate but for which programs can be developed to remedy.Performance appraisal can be used as a mensuration against which selection and development programs are validated. Newly Hired employees who perform poorly can be place through performance appraisal. Similarly, the effectivene ss of training development programs can be determined by assessing how well those employees who have participated do on their performance appraisal.Performance appraisals also fulfil the purpose of providing feedback to employees on how the organisation views their performance.Furthermore performance appraisals are used as the basis for reward allocations. Decisions as to who gets merit pay increases and other rewards are frequently determined by performance appraisal.Purposes of Performance Appraisal Organisations View chance upon the successful less successful aspects of the employee needs organisational goals. facilitate decision makers in allocating resources in planning for future.Assist managers in just frying expenditure accounting for those expenditures.Monitor employee activities to detect any change in activities or the quality of services.Serve as a benchmark, i.e. identifying best practice performance, using that performance as a goal, investigating the factors tha t led up to that performance, then trying to replicate that level of performance.Functions / Uses of Performance AppraisalMultiple uses of Performance Appraisal areDevelopment uses.Administrative uses/decision makings.Organizational maintenance/objectives.Documentation.Types of Performance AppraisalThere are various types of performance appraisal which includes Alternation Ranking Method, vivid Rating Scale, Management By Objectives (MBO) etc. (Dessler, 2005315)These are explained below.Alternation Ranking MethodIt is the oldest simplest of formal systematic rating is to compare one person with all others for the purpose of placing them in a simple rank order of worth. In doing this, the appraiser considers person and performance as an entity no attempt is made to systematically fractionize what being appraised into component elements.Graphic Rating ScaleThis method is widely used in merit rating is similar to the techniques in point-evaluation plan. This involves the supervisor to rate employee performance in terms of prescribed traits i.e. quality of work, quantity of work, initiative, dependability, knowledge of work etc. Each trait is defined various degrees of each are prescribed in some way. From traits degrees over-all rating can be obtained.Forced Distribution ChoiceAnother attempt to counteract the tilt of raters to give honest ratings or even sometimes to twist a report to bring about a desired result is the forced-choice technique. Here the rater is faced with groups of three of four statements, he must tick the one, which applies most nearly to the employee under assessment. These statements are so devised that it is impossible for the rater to know which will give the most favourable rating.GradingIt is a further development to the guideline approach which attempts to provide a frame work of reference by defining a number of levels at which the characteristics is displayed asking Managers to select the explanation which most closely de scribes the individual they are assessing. For example, in rating effective output the Manager in a typical grading scheme is asked to choose betweenOutstanding Outstanding output of high quality workSatisfactory Satisfactory level of output effortFair Completes less than the average amount of effective workPoor Low output poor worker.Critical Incident MethodThe critical incident method requires every Supervisor to adopt a practice of recording in a note-book of those significant incidents in each employees behaviour that indicate effective or poor behaviour. These are recorded in a specifically-designed notebook that contains characteristics under which the various behaviours can be recorded.Management by Objectives (MBO)Management by Objectives (MBO) is a critical process that often consists of four steps as a way to attain desired performanceObjective setting-joint determination by manager employee of appropriate levels of future performance for the employee, within the co ntext of over-all unit goals resources. These objectives are often set for the next calendar year. achieve planning-participative or even independent planning by the employee as to how to reach those objectives. Providing some autonomy to employees is invaluable they are more likely to use their ingenuity, as well as feel more perpetrate to the plans success.Periodic reviews-joint assessment of progress toward objectives by manager employee performed informally sometimes spontaneously.Annual evaluation-more formal assessment of success in achieving the employees annual objectives coupled with a renewal of the planning cycle. Some MBO systems also use performance appraisal to tie rewards for employees to the level of results attained.MBO had been taken likened to a modem form of scientific management. It is also subject to the comparable possible criticisms of too great an emphasis on individual job definition together with a management authority structure, the assumption of n o conflict between individual organisation goals. MBO should not be applied simply as a pressure device by which management carry increasingly demanding targets which Staffs are expected to achieve. MBO draws attention to the objectives for individual members of the organisation as a whole. MBO is a potentially attractive system. It provides an opportunity for staff of accept greater responsibility to make a higher level or personal contribution. There is much to recommend it to both the organisation individual managers.360 Degree Appraisal or EvaluationThe latest approach to performance appraisal is the use of 360 Degree evaluations. It provides for performance feedback from the full circle of daily contacts that an employee might have, ranging from mailroom personnel to customers to bosses to peers. The number of appraisals can be as few as three or four evaluations or as many as 25 with most organisations appeal five to ten per employees.The appeal of 360-degree appraisal s is to fit well into organisations that have introduced teams, employee involvement, and TQM programs. By relaying on feedback from co-workers, customers and subordinates, these organisations are hoping to give every one more accurate reading on employee performance.Appraising Performance Problems and SolutionsFew of the things a manager does which are more risky than appraising subordinates performance. Employees in general tend to be overly optimistic about what their ratings will be, and also know that their raises, career progress, and peace of mind may well hinge of how they are rated. This alone should make it somewhat difficult to rate performance even more problematic. There are more numerous structural problems that can cause serious doubt on just how fare the whole process is. Some of the main appraisal problems and their solution are explained below. relations with the Five Main Rating Scale Appraisal ProblemsFive main problems can undermine appraisal tools such as in writing(predicate) rating scales unclear standards, halo effect, central tendency, indulgence or strictness, and bias. undecipherable Standards The problem of unclear standards is illustrated. Although the graphic rating scale seems objective, it would probably result in unfair appraisals because the traits and degrees of merit are open to interpretation. For example, different supervisors would probably define good performance, fair performance, and so on differently. The same is true of traits such as quality of work or creativity.Halo Effect The halo effect means that the rating of subordinate on one trait (such as gets along with others) biases the way that person is rated on other traits (such as quality of work). This problem often occurs with employees who are oddly friendly (or uncongenial) towards the supervisor. For example, an unfriendly employee will often be rated unsatisfactory for all traits rather than just for the trait gets along well with others. Being aware of this problem is a major step toward avoiding it. Supervisory training can also solve the problem.Central Tendency Many supervisors have a central tendency when filling in rating scales. For example, if the rating scale ranges from 1 to 7, they tend to avoid the highs (6 to 7) and lows (1to 2) and rate most of their people between 3 and 5. In a graphic rating scale, this central tendency could mean that all employees are simply rated average. Such a restriction can distort the evaluations, making them less useful for promotion, salary, or counselling purposes. Ranking the employees instead of using a graphic rating scale can avoid this central tendency problem because all employees must be ranked and thus cannot all be rated average.Leniency or Strictness Some supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently high (or low), just all some instructors are notoriously high graders and others are not. This strictness/leniency problem is especially serious with graphic rating scales since supervisors arent necessarily required to avoid giving all their employees high (or low) ratings. On the other hand, when the raters rank subordinates, they are forced to distinguish between high and low performances. Thus, strictness/leniency is not a problem with the ranking or forced distribution approach. In fact, if a graphic rating scale must be used, it may be a good idea to carry a distribution of performances-that, say, only about 10% of the people should be rated excellent, 20% good, and so forth. In other words, try to get a spread (unless, of course, the raters are sure all their people really do fall into just one or two categories).Bias Individual differences among raters in terms of characteristics like age, race, and sex can affect their ratings, often quite apart from each rates actual performance. In one study, for instance, researchers found a systematic tendency to evaluate older rates (over 60 years of age) lower on performance capacity and potenti al for development then younger employees. The rates race and sex can also affect the persons rating. However, bias is not necessarily consistently against minorities or women, as it seems to be in the case of older workers. In one study, high performing females were often rated significantly higher than were high performing males.An interesting picture of how age can distort evaluations emerges from a study of registered nurses. When the nurses were 30-39 years old, they and their supervisors each rated the nurses performance virtually the same. In the 21-29 category, supervisors actually rated nurses higher than they rated themselves. However, for the 40-61 nurse age categories, the supervisors rated nurses performance lower than the nurses rated their own performance. The conclusion here may be that supervisors are tougher in appraising older subordinates. Specifically, they dont give them as much credit for their success, while attributing any low performance to their lack of ab ility. A related problem is described in the Diversity Counts feature.An employees previous performance can also affect the evaluation of h
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